Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Free speech descends to new lows in Vermont

 American Thinker  "In another twist in the twisted tale of a Vermont girls' volleyball team ejected from their own locker room due to conflicts with a trans-identifying student who allegedly ogled them, the father of the girl who blew the changing room whistle was dismissed as soccer coach when he refused to publicly apologize for calling the trans student a "boy."  Aside from issues of privacy or gender identification, this raises important questions about government infringement of fundamental free speech rights under the United States and Vermont Constitutions.

"The father's sentiment was not that extreme.  In response to a comment by the mother of the trans student on social media, Travis Allen wrote:

"I am the father of the girl you claim 'made up a story for attention,'" Travis Allen wrote in a Facebook reply to Sivvy. "The truth is your son watched my daughter and multiple other girls change in the locker room. While he got a free show, they got violated."

The father added: "You think this is fine and dandy. I wonder how you would feel if I watched you undress?"

"Free speech is undoubtedly an important liberty.  The Vermont State Constitution recognizes this in Article 13:

That the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing and publishing their sentiments, concerning the transactions of government, and therefore the freedom of the press ought not to be restrained.. . .

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