Tuesday, April 25, 2023

'What if the weakest president we ever had were re-elected?'


Republicans release AI video depicting what will happen if Biden wins - including war in Taiwan | Daily Mail Online  "Republicans on Tuesday used an A.I.-generated video to paint a second Biden presidency as a time of war, dysfunction and civil unrest.

"Within minutes of President Joe Biden announcing he was running for another term with a cry of, 'Let's finish this job,' the Republican National Committee illustrated what it thought that would look like.

' 'What if the weakest president we ever had were re-elected,' its attack ad asks, before answering the question.". . .  

Chinese State Media Mocks 'Incompetence' of Biden After Kabul Attack (newsweek.com)

The Global Times, a daily tabloid published by the ruling Chinese Communist Party's People's Daily, published a Friday opinion article written by its editorial staff titled, "Biden wants to save face, but Kabul airport attacks prove his incompetence." The article argued that "the terror attacks by the ISIS will only make the Biden administration's withdrawal more miserable and infamous," and that "the repeated incompetence of the Biden team is clear to all."

Chinese state media sets sights on Taiwan as US' Afghan retreat stokes nationalism | CNN  "The chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan has presented Beijing with a propaganda boost, with Chinese state media capitalizing on the crisis to trumpet the supposed decline of America and taunt Taiwan with threats of invasion.". . .

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