Monday, October 9, 2023

Why is there not overflowing disgust for MSNBC?

 No words: MSNBC personality claims Jews deserved to be slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists (watch) – Twitchy   "What the Hell is wrong with MSNBC?

"No, really.

"We keep asking ourselves this over and over again ... what sort of garbage outlet has someone like this toolbag on their network defending Palestinian terrorists who murdered women and children?

"Probably a garbage outlet that employs trolls like Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow:" . . .
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid's crying shame: Devine (   . . ." But for Reid, he is guilty of murder because he was born white. Every night she spews hatred against white people. 
"Who knows what pathology drives her, but it’s not healthy, for her or any of her dwindling audience. Shame on MSNBC for elevating such a hate-filled racist to prime time. 
"She has zero charisma and her ratings are lackluster. But for some unfathomable reason, she has Teflon protection at the network, even after being caught with homophobic and anti-Semitic comments on her blog. She implausibly pretended her blog had been “hacked” and got a free pass.
"But hateful bigotry still informs her every word. When talking about the Virginia gubernatorial election, for instance, she said Glenn Youngkin won because education is “code for white parents who don’t like the idea of teaching about race.”
"When Winsome Sears became the first black woman to win the office of lieutenant governor of Virginia, rather than acknowledge the achievement, Reid griped that Republicans “demand credit” for voting for black candidates. Then she nodded along vigorously as her guest smeared Sears as a “black mouth … who justifies and legitimates the white supremacist practices.”
"Reid has called black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “Uncle Clarence,” as in “Uncle Tom.' ” . . .

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