Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Pride goeth before a fall.. .and a Spring, and a Summer annnnd a winter

 Rachel Levine: Not just 'pride month,' but 'summer of pride' - American Thinker   "From the "Give 'em an inch" Department.  Obsession with cross-dressers and other alphabet people is too important to confine to a mere single month, apparently.  First a month, then a season. What's next?  Will we soon be asked to celebrate some people's sexuality constantly?  Is there no limit to self-obsession?  

'Pride' Month Is Way Too Long (thefederalist.com)

. . ."And “sexual identity” isn’t even accurate anymore. “Pride” is now a catch-all term for perversions, fetishes, kinks, lack of personal hygiene, gaudy fashion, piercings, and on and on. Gay pride is nearly a hate crime against transgenders and “queers” these days. It’s they/them/their blobby body shapes that dominate “pride” now.  "The overexposure is literal. “Pride” events in major cities this past weekend featured men and women walking and biking publicly in the nude. Photos posted on social media showed that children were present. Happy pride.". . .

"Rachel Levine, President Biden’s haggard assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, said Monday, “Let’s declare it a summer of pride.” They had better not."

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