Friday, October 13, 2023

13 Basic Facts to Defend Israel

 Seth Grossman - American Thinker  

  1. In 1948, the United Nations equally divided the “Jewish National Home” part of Palestine between Jews and Arabs.  The Jews accepted what they were given as their State of Israel.  The Arabs in Palestine rejected statehood.  They instead invaded Israel with the help of armies from five neighboring Arab countries.  After a year of bitter fighting, Jews had control of roughly three fourths of western Palestine.  In 1949, all parties agreed to a ceasefire.  The lines where the fighting stopped became the “Green Line” borders of Israel.

 "During the past week, I found that even most well informed Americans know very little about the causes of the war between Jews and Arabs in Israel.  Here is a summary of 13 basic facts I think every American should know:". . .

Gonna kill some women and babies!

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