Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bitter Joe

"So the story is out: Biden is seething, bitter, disgusted with Kamala's bad judgment in picking the buffoonish Tim Walz over more moderate Josh Shapiro, looking for a way to regain his grasp on power, and no longer motivated to do his job as president of the United States."

"Not too long ago, Joe Biden had it made. The Democrat convention was approaching, he had the delegates, and he was going to be the nominee.

"He rigged the Democrat primaries for himself, shut out all competition, kneecapped Bobby Kennedy's independent campaign, and if all else failed, tried through various means -- court and otherwise -- to eliminate his main rival, President Trump.

"But he got hit from a direction from which he wasn't looking -- his own party majordomos, who engineered his "easy way or hard way" ouster, ushering in Kamala Harris instead. Harris was stupid. Harris was his "insurance." But Harris had ideas of her own and ran away with it. Now she has risen in the polls as he hasn't and the mainstream media are in full-throated cheerleading mode in ways he never got.

"Now he's reportedly seething.

"Here's what President Trump's close advisor, Stephen Miller, tweeted out:

Buzz growing that Biden regrets caving to the coup after Kamala seismically botched the VP pick by surrendering to the Jew-haters. She showed tremendous cowardice exiling Shapiro for a socialist and Biden is fuming that he let donors extort him out by freezing his campaign funds.

. . . " Unlike Trump, Biden does plot, and he takes a lot of revenge on his enemies. If Democrats could plot against him, why wouldn't he plot back to take the whole miserable house of cards down, too? He probably will fail, and once again, stew in his bitterness.

"If so, couldn't happen to a nicer guy who did so much damage to our country. Biden set the rules on manipulating elections, and in the end got beaten by fellow Democrats at his own game, his own rules he thought he was master of." . . . 

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