Thomas Sowell asks, Who Is Racist? "I am so old that I can remember when most of the people promoting race hate were white.
"The moral claims advanced by generations of black leaders -- claims that eventually touched the conscience of the nation and turned the tide toward civil rights for all -- have now been cheapened by today's generation of black "leaders," who act as if it is all just a matter of whose ox is gored."
Allen West: Where was NAACP and media when two black teenagers shot a white baby in the face? "Allen West accused the NAACP and other race-baiters of cherry picking cases for a political agenda, pointing out that they’ve been silent on two horrible cases where a white family was savagely murdered and a white baby shot in the face by two black teenagers:"
Video at the link.
From Conservative Black Chick: Zimmerman Trial: Star Witness Rachel Jeantel and the Politics of Soft Bigotry "As defense attorney Don West grilled Rachel Jeantel, liberal commentators fell all over themselves making excuses for Rachel’s shocking behavior in court and contempt for their process. I can tell you one thing for certain if Jeantel wasn’t black, none of these liberal pundits, especially the white ones would have made excuses for her rude behavior. They would have called it just what it was. . . unacceptable."