"The dirty work of the left was achieved after Brendan Eich, recently appointed CEO of Mozilla, a software company based in Silicon Valley, was forced out of the company he helped found, all to feed the maw of political correctness."....
Seems every Balkanized group has it's own personal jihad, whether it is Islamists wanting to murder all non-Muslims or militant gay supporters who will destroy the lives of any who are not fully in support of their lifestyle.
Mozilla CEO's exit tests Silicon Valley's tolerance ... "Silicon Valley's denizens pride themselves on being part of a meritocratic community that welcomes talented workers regardless of their origins or political and religious beliefs.
Gay rights are widely embraced in the San Francisco area, long known for its thriving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Silicon Valley's tech culture reflects that sensitivity, and its companies rely on their CEOs to set that kind of tone, analysts said.
Maher: "There Is A Gay Mafia -- If You Cross Them, You Do Get Whacked"
The above from Drudge
Does Brendan Eich Have a Case Against Mozilla? "Many of the comments at various blogs addressing the forced resignation of Brendan Eich emphasize the fact that Mozilla is a private company and can hire or fire whomever they want for any reason.
..."But they cannot wrongfully terminate an employee, violate the terms of an existing contract, or discriminate against an employee."