Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mediaite Lib Smears U.S. Marines As “Generally Violent” Goons…

Weasel Zippers   "Apparently Luke O’Neil has taken over for Tommy Christopher as most obnoxious lib on Mediaite.
"Brave Marine Steals Upside-Down American Flag from Scooter-Riding Hippie Protester — Mediaite" 

...This sort of contradictory militarized mindset of the contemporary conservative is perfectly illustrated in the video. In it two brave men, one of whom identifies himself as a member of the marines in both his words, t-shirt, and generally violent comportment, chase down two hippies on a scooter who are carrying an upside down American flag and probably on their way to to enact some insidious terroristic plot. When approached by what looks like a crustpunk Cheech to ask what they’re up to, IRL Marine Todd here yells: “I don’t give a s--t what the symbol is. We serve our f---ing country.”

"In other words, the brave men and women of the American military put their lives on the line every day so lib pukes like this can spout their freedom-hating nonsense. Except when they actually see them doing it, in which case they use their physical power to stop it. For liberty, or something."

"Most people thank our Marines for their service not smear them as violent thugs, not so much with this clown."

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