Monday, April 20, 2015

A Foreign Policy Primer for Obama––and Rand Paul

"The president who thinks there’s such a thing as an “Austrian” language is advising Rand Paul to “bone up on foreign policy.” It’s now official: the Obama administration has become a recurring skit on Saturday Night Live.

"This is the same Barack Obama who became president after 2 indifferent years in the Senate, which were preceded by stints as a state legislator, a part-time teacher of law, and a community organizer. In the Senate his scanty foreign policy experience and knowledge manifested itself in his 2007 opposition to the “surge” of forces in Iraq, which he called a “mistake” and a “reckless escalation,” comments followed up by the introduction of legislation to remove all forces by the end of March 2008 no matter what." . . .
Full article.

This is what you can expect from people who rent out the Lincoln Bedroom

Hillary Clinton Dismisses Book That Investigates Foundation Donations As “Distraction”
 “We will be subjected to all kinds of distractions and attacks, and I’m ready for that,” Clinton told reporters on Monday of an upcoming book that looks at money and her family’s foundation. She did not address the allegations specifically."
Hillary Clinton told another whopper Thursday, informing Iowans that all her grandparents emigrated to America. Only one did, and it was so brutal. Her grandfather Hugh Rodham arrived in the U.S. from England and after settling in Connecticut he was twice penalized two strokes for slow play. Comedian Argus Hamilton

Washington Post
 "A New York Times story on a new book detailing allegations of improprieties at the Clinton Foundation contained this paragraph:

But “Clinton Cash” is potentially more unsettling, both because of its focused reporting and because major news organizations including The Times, The Washington Post and Fox News have exclusive agreements with the author  to pursue the story lines found in the book.
"Outrage! screamed the Clinton machine. "The conservative author Peter Schweizer has a major credibility problem, though you wouldn't know it, because this anti-Clinton manifesto is being peddled by some in the media who have essentially reprinted the press release on its publication," said Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for Correct The Record, a rapid response super PAC formed to defend Clinton from attacks. At Media Matters for America, David Brock released an entire report detailing past mistakes and omissions by Schweizer." . . .

 Clintons once again put government up for sale. . . "The book is called Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich—and it could be the undoing of a woman much of the country assumed would one day hold the presidency."Peter Schweizer’s latest work won’t officially hit stores until May 5, but the buzz generated by the release of advance copies already has Team Clinton on defense, and Republican heavy-hitters running offense against the financial history of the Clinton Foundation.
''The basic premise of the book is that during the time Clinton served as secretary of state, the Department would grant favors to foreign entities in exchange for high-dollar speaking fees paid directly to the Clinton Foundation." . . .
 Late last week, he teased the scandal again during a speech at an SBA List event, saying that “[t]here’s going to be stuff coming out about the Clinton Foundation and their donations,” and alluding to collusion between the State Department and foreign corporations.. . "
 “I think there is big news coming on the Clinton Foundation,” said Paul. “I think there are things that went on at the Clinton Foundation that are going to shock people. I think they’re going to make people question whether she ought to run for president.” Sen. Rand Paul

 "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich."

 With Hillary, Appearances Are Everything ..."None of her political career makes a hell of a lot of sense if you think about it for three minutes.
. . ."But the Clintons have always had a strange knack for getting people to admire them for their phoniness, not in spite of it. Their admirers — and there are many of them — are like those odd ducks who prefer breast implants to the genuine articles, the more obviously artificial the better." . . .

Whatever You Think About Hillary, It’s Worse! How to quit the Hillary habit.

. . . "So the Democratic Party is putting forth a candidate who is a galaxy-sized hypocrite,  lies about just about everything — now including her grandparents’ citizenship, pretending they were immigrants — and erased more emails than even the IRS from her personal server, which she used illegally while secretary of state, before trashing the whole shebang who knows where.  Also her foundation was taking money from Saudi Arabia where women aren’t allowed to drive and, in one notorious case, dozens of teenage school girls were burned to death by the religious police. And then there’s the little matter of Benghazi.  (Hey, what difference does it make?  Just a few people got killed. And so what if some of them were Navy SEALs. Didn’t they sign up for that?)  And we can give her a pass for refusing to name Boko Haram a terror group. (Okay, more than a few people got killed and raped in that one and continue to be, but give her another break. She was a diplomat after all.  Go too far and Suha Arafat will never kiss you again.  And all those people currently dying off the Libyan coast or being decapitated in that country by ISIS.  Okay, that’s a problem.  But would you want to see Gaddafi still around chasing everything in a skirt?)
"And now this woman is actually running for president of the United States and people are actually taking her seriously?  Have we all gone crazy?  How do we look our liberal friends in the eye? How do they look themselves in the eye?" . . .

Fish Shtick; Michelle's Munchies

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, school lunch, michelle obama, fish

. . . "While the lunch met Michelle "I grow my own yams" Obama's stringent dietary requirements, even the school's Food Service Coordinator admitted (while choking back vomit) that the lunch looked like "something that would crawl from a garden leaving a noxious, foul-smelling slime trail."

"Well, those weren't his exact words. He actually said "poor lighting and food presentation make this lunch unappealing.' " . . .

Who authorized Obama to kick over the nuclear balance?

Who authorized Obama to kick over the nuclear balance?. . .  "The whole world now understands President Obama’s caudillo  style, his autocratic style of governance. We know about the abuse of the IRS, the Department of Justice and our immigration system. We see his contempt for the constitutional powers of Congress. Yet even the US Supreme Court has ducked any chance to restrain him.

"American presidents have a lot more free rein in foreign affairs compared to the domestic side, and here Obama has done his worst. When NATO assaulted Libya in 2011 without provocation, Obama was asked whether Congress shouldn’t have a role under the War Powers Act. He just laughed." 
"As a result, we are now viewed with suspicion by our allies, and we’re laughed at by our enemies. Obama shows no compassion at all --- especially to Muslims, who have died by the tens and hundreds of thousands in Syria, Libya, Egypt and now Yemen, following actions by this president. Al Qaida is stronger than ever, and ISIS receives direct support from Obama’s “friends” in Turkey and Qatar.

"George W. Bush was witch-hunted for years by the media after the Iraq invasion, but no liberal newspaper can be heard complaining about Obama’s reckless interventions in the Middle East. There are no constraints on Obama." . . . More...

 . . .  "As bad as Obama is domestically, in foreign policy he is downright dangerous. That’s what happens when the Left falls in love with a radical leftist with lifelong anger problems."  (Emphasis mine, TD)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Crowd Trashes National Mall for Earth Day

"National Mall Trashed After Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day Concert

"Oh, the delicious, delicious irony.
"Yesterday was Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day, which was celebrated with a concert and other festivities on the National Mall. While the concert itself was powered by solar energy, the attendees could have learned a lesson or two about taking care of planet Earth.
"For instance, check out these trash and recycling cans I spotted near the National Mall, close to the Washington Monument:" . . .

The Other Side of the 'Pretty Girl Goes on a Tirade' Story

. . . "McHenry, a DC-based reporter, was apparently towed by a company called Advanced Towing, a private contractor hired by various entities around the Arlington, Va., area to make sure people don’t illegally park. Towing cars that are where they aren’t supposed to be is a necessary thing, an act of urban hygiene.

"Still, let’s look at the Better Business Bureau rating for this outfit: It’s an F. Out of 40 complaints lodged against the company in the last three years, Advanced Towing has simply ignored 37.

"Over to the Yelp reviews. Interesting.

"Yelper Mary El P. said in January she paid with a credit card, was told it didn’t work, then presented another credit card. When the statement came, she claims she was billed twice. She says she called up an employee, who was rude and insulting and informed her that disputing a charge on a credit card was a felony.

"Yelper Eric T. alleges that a tow trucker apparently spying on him zipped around the corner while he was letting his dog out to pee — and that when he protested, the Advanced Towing driver yelled out, “Don’t park here you f - - king f - - - - t,” using an anti-gay slur.

"In early April, a man who ducked into an Arlington CVS for medicine for his sick child says he came back to find his car being jacked up by an Advanced Towing truck — with his two kids inside.

"But here’s what’s worse than any of that."

"Several reviewers have complained that Advanced Towing brings in legally parked cars — and then, when you complain, simply insults you and holds the car hostage.

"Said Yelper KJ B., 'Towing serves a purpose, but this company just steals cars! The first time I was towed was from my very own parking spot at my apartment complex. They claimed they didn’t see my parking sticker (despite its obvious placement on the back where it is on EVERY CAR.)' "

 Advanced Towing Thieves and Scam Artist Arlington Virginia

All that being said, McHenry's treatment of the person behind the desk was disgusting and  beyond the pale.TD

James Baker Becomes Third Former Secretary of State to Slam Obama's Absurd Scheme for Iranian Nukes


Doug Ross Journal
 "Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III expressed concerns about the understanding reached between the P5+1 and Iran in Lausanne, Switzerland in a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Thursday. Baker wrote that there appeared to be “serious misunderstandings” between the negotiating parties on what a final agreement would look like, most notably regarding the phasing of sanctions relief, the verification mechanism, the “snapback” re-imposition of sanctions, and Iran’s refusal to disclose information about its past work on its nuclear program, which is necessary for a robust verification regime. Baker urged Secretary of State John Kerry to convince the other P5+1 nations to support a non-negotiable stance on these outstanding questions.

"The Iranian leadership’s position that all sanctions must be removed upon signing any final agreement “is a far cry from the U.S. understanding that sanctions will only be removed over time, as Iran meets its obligations…[I]f Iran holds to it, there should be no final agreement,” Baker wrote.

"Baker is the third former Secretary of State to raise questions about the understanding between the P5+1 and Iran. Henry Kissinger and George P. Shultz wrote an op-ed earlier this month in which they expressed skepticism about a one-year breakout period, arguing that the concept of keeping Iran at a one-year breakout was a weakening of the original P5+1 stance, which was to ensure that Iran was only permitted a capacity compatible with a civilian nuclear program. One of their major criticisms was a “broad-based asymmetry” in the understanding, “which provides Iran permanent relief from sanctions in exchange for temporary restraints on Iranian conduct.”

"David Rothkopf, the CEO and Editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy, raised the same question in a piece on Thursday. The P5+1 powers are, he wrote, “renting [Iran’s] restraint”: rewarding the regime with significant sanctions relief, which he estimated would amount to approximately $420 billion in a 15-year agreement, for Iran to freeze its program. In comparison, he wrote, Iran’s “Syrian client state had a GDP of about $65 million in 2011 before the crisis there heated up and devastated the country. Its would-be client Yemen has a GDP of about $36 billion.” The sanctions relief would allow Iran to “extend its influence, buy weapons, and underwrite terrorist groups to an even greater extent than it has been doing throughout the period the country has felt the squeeze of sanctions.”


Surprise! Hollywood delivers positive, clean comedy

WND   Drew Zahn reviews 'Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2'


"Box office returns over the last few years have revealed Hollywood can make money on comedies … if they’re really, really raunchy.

"In fact, it’s getting harder and harder to see a good comedy that’s also clean enough for family fare.

"And while I won’t go so far as to call “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2″ a “good” comedy, it does buck the trend by being surprisingly clean, and it even includes a positive message on self-sacrifice and servanthood.

"Unfortunately, the first half (or more) of this film is spectacularly, painfully bad. The set-up to the action drags through lame jokes, tired clichés and melodramatic blech that feels very dated. Comedian Kevin James (who plays Blart) can play an outstanding secondary character (ala the film “Hitch”), but he struggles to generate laughs in a lead role.

"However … once the action begins, once Officer Blart hoists up his drooping pants and determines to save the day, " . . .

The Death Coaster!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The denigration of men: Ridiculed, abused, exploited - the triumph of feminism has made today's men second class citizens, argues a deliciously provocative new book And it's time the chaps fought back

Daily Mail  . . . " So why is it that, today, there has there never been a worse time to be a man? Rubbishing the male of the species and everything he stands for is a disturbing — and growing — 21st century phenomenon. It is the fashionable fascism of millions of women — and many, many men, too. Instead of feeling proud of our achievements, we men are forced to spend our time apologising for them. When people chide us for not being able to multi-task or use a washing machine we join in the mocking laughter — even though we invented the damned thing in the first place.
Rubbishing the male of the species and everything he stands for is a disturbing  21st century phenomenon

. . . "By the time your son is 18, he will probably have absorbed the social message that his dad is much less valuable as a parent than his mother — that fathers in families are an added bonus, not a crucial cog." . . .

 Bumbling, childlike and the butt of endless jokes, why are men constantly portrayed as idiots on television, asks Dominic Utton. . . "And yet… if you were to form your opinion of the male of the species through the examples presented on TV, you’d think I wasn’t a man at all. (The exception that proves the rule, of course, are psychopaths, timelords, terrorists and morally-ambiguous genius private detectives. But guess what? I’m not one of those either.) Because when television wants to portray a modern man, it portrays him as a fool. 
. . . "From supermarkets to home insurance, from booze to cleaning products, the theme is the same: men are stupid. Men are there to be laughed at.
The worst of the lot, however, has to be Kentucky Fried Chicken. I would say their commercials leave a bad taste in the mouth, but…
In one, a generic dad-type asks his smartphone-fixated kids what they’d like to do that afternoon (“bowling? Cinema?”). They ignore him – and then Mum appears and asks EXACTLY THE SAME QUESTIONS. And they put down their phones! And respond! Dad is left to check his own sad little Nokia… on which, inevitably, there are no messages. Hurray! Stupid dad!" . . .

The Depressing Depiction of Men in the Media "Millions of men are driven, capable, intelligent, honorable, responsible, etc. At present time, why is this not regularly celebrated on film and television? I wonder if the media is deliberately trying to degrade men, because I know there are ways of infusing positive aspects of manhood and masculinity into content while maintaining the comedy and excitement. Case in point: FrasierScrubs, and Jim Carrey’s, Liar Liar.
I hope media outlets will revamp their destructive strategies. The current template has the potential to be catastrophic to men (and women). There’s a reason why Kay Hymowitz wrote Manning Up, and it’s not solely because of the economy and Feminist movement. The media has contributed to a portion of this plight. Perpetuating images of the “man-child” has established the need for academic and sociological involvement. Thank you, Kay Hymowitz.
To the executives at ABC and beyond, men deserve better. Every protagonist should not be painted as a pinhead, and all antagonists shouldn’t be written as angry Neanderthals. The superfluous use of these stereotypes is depressing.  It’s time to redesign the formula.  Good men are everywhere; let your content reflect this fact.
- See more at:

" 'Millions of men are driven, capable, intelligent, honorable, responsible, etc. At present time, why is this not regularly celebrated on film and television? I wonder if the media is deliberately trying to degrade men, because I know there are ways of infusing positive aspects of manhood and masculinity into content while maintaining the comedy and excitement. Case in point: Frasier, Scrubs, and Jim Carrey’s, Liar Liar.

I hope media outlets will revamp their destructive strategies. The current template has the potential to be catastrophic to men (and women). There’s a reason why Kay Hymowitz wrote Manning Up, and it’s not solely because of the economy and Feminist movement. The media has contributed to a portion of this plight. Perpetuating images of the “man-child” has established the need for academic and sociological involvement. Thank you, Kay Hymowitz.

" 'To the executives at ABC and beyond, men deserve better. Every protagonist should not be painted as a pinhead, and all antagonists shouldn’t be written as angry Neanderthals. The superfluous use of these stereotypes is depressing. It’s time to redesign the formula. Good men are everywhere; let your content reflect this fact.

Why DOES TV love to portray men as idle, feckless idiots?

Man arrested in the middle of his haircut