Friday, January 13, 2017

Trump vs. the media

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Judy Gruen: Hollywood: Keep your mouth shut!  . . . "Culturally speaking, political conservatives have few places to go without leftist politics being thrust in.  It's natural and legitimate for art and politics to converge.  But there is also a place for apolitical entertainment, or at least entertainment that doesn't bash conservatives.  That is darned harder to find today – not only in movies or TV shows, but also in books." . . .
Artists, actors, writers, and other artistic creators are free to inject politics in their work and in their public pronouncements, but I wonder if they ever ask themselves if it's worth alienating such a large swath of their audience.  I wonder how many of them ask themselves: is it worth it?
 Killing CNN  . . . "Your time is over, CNN.  Let your liberal cohorts in other parts of the propaganda machine take note.  When you strike at Trump with lies, he will avenge the insult with that most terrifying of all weapons: truth." . . . 

Preparing DC for President Trump: Obama Kicks Cuban Refugees In The Teeth But Gives Money To Sanctuary Cities

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RedState  . . . "What does the President care? He’s leaving in a week. It will be somebody else’s mess to clean up.
"Of course, President Obama is happy to employ the policy of sending Cubans back to the dictatorship-led country they risked their lives to escape but provides funds for sanctuary cities who refuse to help federal authorities deport illegal immigrants, including those with a criminal background." . . .
Another speed bump laid by Obama: Obama Issues More Last-Minute National Monument Designations  . . . "Republicans say Trump can either shrink Obama’s monument designations or undo them entirely.
“ 'Anything that you create by executive fiat can be changed by executive fiat,” said Utah Republican Rep. Rob Bishop, Politico reported. “That should be one of the things they do.' ” . . .

Will Barack Obama be the sorest loser of them all?  "Eight days before he leaves office, President Barack Obama is not planning to go any farther than a short distance from the White House after Donald Trump is sworn in to replace him next Friday, while his Mount Rainier-sized ego still basks in the glow of audience reaction to his “farewell speech” Tuesday evening.

"Obama spent 54 minutes essentially talking about himself to an audience in Chicago, his adopted hometown where it appears he has no intention of settling. Other presidents, according to the Wall Street Journal, have gone home and literally gotten out of town, but not Obama." . . .

The unbridgeable divide

"As a conservative living in the Socialist Republic of California, I no longer have representation.  We in California are at the mercy of the left, whose ideology and agenda we do not share.  The stark contrast between us now engulfs the rest of the country in a war for the heart and soul of America. " . . . 
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Shari Goodman  "For all practical purposes, there is no longer one America.  Instead, there are now two radically different Americas.  The Democrats led by the left represent both American coasts and urban cities, while the Republicans and their conservative base represent the rest of the country, sandwiched in between the leftist elites.
"In days gone by, our country was represented by two major political parties that had the same end, values, and vision but differed in methodology.  Today, conservatives no longer share the same mission as the left.  Their missions are polar opposites, and the divide is unbridgeable.
"While conservatives seek a return to constitutional principles of less government, a free market, and sovereignty, the left seeks open borders, wealth redistribution, and statism.
"For the last eight years, the left has made considerable inroads with the election of Barack Obama.  Under his administration, businesses are overregulated and heavily taxed.  Health care was socialized, and our borders are wide open.  Sanctuary cities sprang up throughout the land, and the resettlement of migrants from hostile third-world war-torn countries were and continue to be given a welcome mat.  No longer is there any distinction between a citizen and an illegal for many in the media, our universities, and our local institutions.  Schools and law enforcement are told to look the other way when confronted with those who have entered our country illegally." . . .
Shari Goodman is an educator, activist, and political commentator.  Her commentaries have appeared in World Net Daily, American Thinker, Canada Free Press, Family Security Matters, and Israel Today, among others.  She is a red dot residing in the blue state of California.

Splitting From Trump, Defense Pick Mattis Slams Russia, Supports Iran Deal

Foreign Policy
"Like other cabinet nominees, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis differs from his soon-to-be boss on some of the biggest issues that will face the Pentagon."
 Splitting From Trump, Defense Pick Mattis Slams Russia, Supports Iran Deal

"Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to become the next secretary of defense, staked out sharply divergent views from those of his potential boss on Thursday, strongly backing NATO, lambasting Russia, and accepting the Iran nuclear deal. "He also showed little appetite for rolling back a slate of Defense Department social reforms hated by the Republican Party. 

"Most pointedly, Mattis offered lawmakers in Congress a full-throated endorsement of the NATO alliance, countering months of campaign-trail rhetoric from Trump, who suggested the United States gains little from the alliance and carries too much of the burden. 

“ 'If we did not have NATO today, we would need to create it. It is vital to the United States,” Mattis told a Senate panel, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin — long an object of Trump’s praise and his hopeful dance partner on the global stage — is “trying to break the North Atlantic alliance.” . . .

Mattis does support living up to our word on the Iran deal, I would hardly call his so-called "support" for it an endorsement:
Although Trump has long said he would renegotiate or pull out of the Iran deal completely, Mattis said it’s important for the United States to live up to its agreement. “When America gives [its] word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies,” he told the panel, admitting that the current deal isn’t one he would have signed off on. 
Mattis is much less naive than Obama on this and was once fired by that president because the General was such a war hawk regarding Iran:

Obama Fires Top General Without Even a Phone Call
President Barack Obama fired General James Mattis, the head of Central Command, without even calling the general to let him know he was being replaced.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

On replacing the ACA: Obamacare

I fear this is going too quickly; The Republicans must be sure to get this right. My doctor strongly dislikes Obamacare, but has settled into it now. Any further upheaval has to be a genuine improvement. TD

NRO: The GOP Must Be Practical When Replacing the ACA
The GOP must have a bipartisan plan for a market-based system ready before they repeal Obamacare.
. . . "To succeed in this effort, however, House and Senate Republicans, as well as the incoming Trump administration, must dispense with wishful thinking. There is no plan for replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that is without political controversy. Whatever they do will involve trade-offs, and in some cases they will be attacked by their political opponents for doing what is necessary but perhaps unpopular.

"Further, there is no silver bullet for reforming health care that will solve all the existing problems. Health-care policy is complicated and does not lend itself to simple solutions. What’s needed most of all is the discipline of a well-functioning marketplace. Getting there will require many changes, in public insurance, employer plans, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and the individual insurance market. While Medicare changes can be addressed separately from other reforms, it will not be possible to replace the main provisions of the ACA in incremental, piecemeal bills, as has been suggested by some in Congress." . . .  Emphasis mine, TD 
James C. Capretta is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.  He is a long-time analyst of health care and economic issues for National Review.

Mr. Capretta fears the option of repeal without replacing  . . . "Regardless of Trump’s inclinations, however, it would be a terrible idea — for substantive and political reasons — for Republicans in Congress to pursue repeal without replace(sp) in 2017." . . .

Via NBC News:
The U.S. Senate took the first major step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act after a marathon voting session that started Wednesday evening and extended into early Thursday.
The vote does not repeal President Obama’s signature achievement, but it does set the stage for Republicans to clear the first procedural hurdle for repeal of the massive health care law. The bill will now go to the House of Representatives for a vote expected to take place on Friday.
“The Senate just took an important step toward repealing and replacing Obamacare by passing the resolution that provides the legislative tools necessary to actually repeal this failed law while we move ahead with smarter health care policies,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement.

California Senator Kamala Harris Has No Idea What A CIA Director Does…

Weasel Zippers  What on earth does the CIA have to do with "climate change"?

Good grief, look at the silliness that comes out of California. Now they have elected a new US Senator who supports Black Lives Matter and speaks nonsense to power.
If this were about twenty centuries ago, Ms. Harris would be demanding the CIA director accepted "the overwhelming evidence" that it was settled science that the earth was flat.

We have indeed become a silly people electing silly people who require us to hold their silly dogmas as "settled science".  The Tunnel Dweller

Dem plans to file criminal complaint against fellow lawmaker over painting

That is to say, this police-hating Democrat has called on the police to help him keep his constituent's cop-hate painting hanging on the wall of the Capitol Complex.
The Hill

Dem plans to file criminal complaint against fellow lawmaker over painting

"Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) on Monday said he plans to file a complaint with the Capitol Police against a Republican colleague for removing from the Capitol complex a constituent painting showing black protesters in confrontation with police officers depicted as animals. 
"The painting had been displayed since June in a tunnel connecting the Capitol and two House office buildings. But after the painting attracted attention from right-wing news outlets in recent weeks, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) personally took it down on Friday and returned it to Clay's office.
"Clay, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, was incensed while speaking about the incident with reporters outside the House chamber on Monday night. He plans to hold an event to put the painting back on the wall on Tuesday morning with fellow Black Caucus members." . . .
"Any black parent will tell you that they have to have this conversation with their children about police and how to act around them. And so that’s the conversation we need to be having here. Not about taking some kid’s picture off the wall. It should be about, how do we change this attitude and improve the relationship between police and the black community?" Clay said.

There’s a new sketch called “The Real Housewives of ISIS” in a BBC comedy show:

Buzzfeed (Yeah, I know. But what are you gonna do?)

"The sketch, which satirises the well-known American series about wealthy housewives in New York and Beverly Hills, aired for the first time this week on the BBC Two comedy show Revolting. It depicts four British ISIS jihadi brides in Syria." . . .

Via The Freedom Fighter's Journal

ISIS parody video: Offensive or a blast of hilarity?  Meanwhile, Khuram Zaman, CEO of the digital agency Fifth Tribe in Washington, DC, sees the bigger picture and the message the edgy Real Housewives of ISIS sketch was trying to send. 

“ 'It’s a hilarious video, and very well done,” Zaman told Red Alert. “Most are corny, but this was well done. Other videos that tried to use a satire were in poor taste. The State Department produced the video ‘Think Again, Turn Away.’ It was horrible.”

"Through his company, Zaman hosted a hack-a-thon in which they created a tool to scrape pro-ISIS tweets on Twitter. Speaking to Red Alert, Zaman noted that while he understands how activists find Real Housewives of ISIS offensive, it’s a necessary video. “These guys [ISIS] are using propaganda, and this is a good countermeasure against ISIS. I don’t know if people are watching and changing their mind, but it forces the conversation to the Muslim community that young women are joining ISIS. There’s something we have to do about that.' ”

Killing CNN

"Yesterday, Trump made it crystal-clear to CNN that they have crossed the red line – you know, the one Obama dared the Russians to cross in Syria.  They crossed it, and Obama whimpered."  
American Thinker "Someday, Bill O'Reilly may add to his list of historical books, which includeKilling Kennedy and Killing the Rising Sun, the title Killing CNN. 
"It portends to be the chronicle of a vital turning point in American history, the death of the propaganda machine in our politics, and the resurgence of genuine journalism.
"I have for some time now eschewed referring to most American news institutions as "mainstream media" and instead termed them what they are: the Ministry of Propaganda (MoP).
"I know, I know – there comes a time when we are supposed to stop complaining about bias in the news.  It is akin to complaining about the weather, about which we can do nothing.  Donald Trump is proving otherwise.  If liberals can claim that they can stop global warming, then we may justly claim that Trump can stop the global pollution the MoP spews out so continually that many of us have gotten used to it." . . .

Remember the days when Mr. Obama had only one news source to lash out against? 

2008 Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared  . . . "Uh-huh. And you’ll never guess which publications somehow still made the seat cut: 
"GlamourJet and Ebony."
The Four Horsemen of the Media Apocalypse  . . . "But who had the last laugh?  Trump, of course.  Will the media never learn?  He does not play by their rules of incivility; he plays by his own rules of incivility: when attacked, fight back harder.  Thanks to CNN and BuzzFeed, Trump won the day, and the media have egg on their faces.  Someone or more than one someone tried to use classic Soviet-style disinformation to destroy Trump.  They will no doubt try again and again, but each attempt is costing them the last of any remaining credibility they may have." . . .

How Can We Miss a President Who Won’t Go Away?

WSJ  "Obama plans to stay in Washington. The capital city’s namesake took a different approach."

Video added by the Tunnel Dweller

. . . "Most former presidents return to where they came from and fade into the background, re-emerging in the capital mostly for ceremonial occasions. If they’ve served two full terms, the norm is to express relief, at least publicly, at the lifting of the office’s great burdens after eight long years.
"George Washington put it this way in his 1796 Farewell Address: “Not unconscious in the outset of the inferiority of my qualifications . . . every day the increasing weight of years admonishes me more and more that the shade of retirement is as necessary to me as it will be welcome.”
"Mr. Obama is different. If the Constitution allowed it, he most certainly would have sought a third term. In a year-end interview with his former aide David Axelrod, the president said he thought he would have beaten Donald Trump. At the top of his Tuesday farewell speech, the audience chanted “Four more years! Four more years!” His response: “I can’t do that”—not eight is enough. Almost an hour later, near the end of his soliloquy, Mr. Obama declared: “I won’t stop. In fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my remaining days.' ”. . .

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

The one act that defined President Barack Obama . . . "I will simply recount the one lasting legacy of Barack Obama that will always be emblazoned in my memory.  When I think of him, I will think of this.  When I reflect on his promised era of hope and change, I will be drawn to this image." . . .
Charles Krauthammer once remarked, "They're not even the big sisters of the poor."

But in my mind, it will be Obama's barricading open air memorials during the "shutdown" and -of course - his actions against Israel. Both vengeful, vindictive acts of a spoiled, juvenile-ish petulant man. TD

Trump’s CNN tirade may affect Time Warner-AT&T merger

NY Post  "Is this any way to start off a relationship?
"Nine days before CNN parent Time Warner will have to negotiate with Donald Trump’s antitrust cops, the cable news network got a dressing down by the President-elect.
“ 'Your organization is terrible,” Trump told CNN reporter Jim Acosta when he tried to ask a question during Wednesday’s news conference.
“ 'Quiet, quiet,” Trump admonished when it was clear the journalist would not be chosen for a question.
"As Acosta persisted, Trump said, “Don’t be rude.” When that didn’t work, Trump barked: “You are fake news.' ” . . .

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ingraham: Meryl Streep rant reflected intolerant Hollywood


Fox News  "Radio host and Fox News contributor sounds off on the Hollywood liberal pile-on in attacking President-elect Trump during the Golden Globe awards."

"The Golden Globe Awards had Meryl Streep giving a public lecture to Donald Trump about his plan to halt illegal immigration with a wall. She neglected to mention that to rent an apartment in Hollywood costs two thousand dollars per month. No illegal immigrant can climb over that and get in." Comedian Argus Hamilton