Friday, January 13, 2017

Preparing DC for President Trump: Obama Kicks Cuban Refugees In The Teeth But Gives Money To Sanctuary Cities

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RedState  . . . "What does the President care? He’s leaving in a week. It will be somebody else’s mess to clean up.
"Of course, President Obama is happy to employ the policy of sending Cubans back to the dictatorship-led country they risked their lives to escape but provides funds for sanctuary cities who refuse to help federal authorities deport illegal immigrants, including those with a criminal background." . . .
Another speed bump laid by Obama: Obama Issues More Last-Minute National Monument Designations  . . . "Republicans say Trump can either shrink Obama’s monument designations or undo them entirely.
“ 'Anything that you create by executive fiat can be changed by executive fiat,” said Utah Republican Rep. Rob Bishop, Politico reported. “That should be one of the things they do.' ” . . .

Will Barack Obama be the sorest loser of them all?  "Eight days before he leaves office, President Barack Obama is not planning to go any farther than a short distance from the White House after Donald Trump is sworn in to replace him next Friday, while his Mount Rainier-sized ego still basks in the glow of audience reaction to his “farewell speech” Tuesday evening.

"Obama spent 54 minutes essentially talking about himself to an audience in Chicago, his adopted hometown where it appears he has no intention of settling. Other presidents, according to the Wall Street Journal, have gone home and literally gotten out of town, but not Obama." . . .

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