Pro-Life Coalition Challenges Networks to #CoverTheMarch "Sparse coverage of the March for Life – compared with significant reporting on the pro-abortion rights demonstrations held the day after the presidential inauguration – is prompting a coalition of 25 pro-life organizations and two members of Congress to challenge the broadcast news networks." . . .

I'm sure we have all taken notice that when the MSM begins a story about a conservative national figure that they begin the story with, "---------, love him or hate him" . . . TD.
President Trump just forced the press to cover the March for Life
President Trump just forced the press to cover the March for Life
“I think it’s no secret that the President has campaigned as a pro-life President. It’s something that is very important to him, as evidence by the Mexico City Policy reinstatement he issued yesterday,” Spicer said.
“Obviously we’re going to have heavy administration presence there,” he added.
AP unhappy over "snub" by WH press secretary Spicer "If it hadn’t grasped it before, the Washington press corps is now on notice that President Donald Trump’s press briefing room is not going to be run the same way Obama’s was, and no one had a worse reaction than the Associated Press when it found another media outlet being picked first in this week’s pressers.
"In the past, the 170-year-old news wire service was the first to be called at every press conference in the White House briefing room. But during his January 23 press conference, Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer called on a reporter from The New York Post instead.
"If that didn’t spin the AP up, the January 24 presser did when Spicer gave his first question to conservative website, a site founded by conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham.
"The AP was so upset that after the press conference, it posted a story about that contained several errors." . . .