LA Times
"The head of the California Democratic Party African American Caucus said Monday he was working with state party officials to determine who was responsible for cutting off the sound to U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters' microphone as she spoke to the group at the party's convention on Saturday.
" 'This is a very unusual situation, and we are collectively trying to figure out a path forward to address what happened and make sure these things do not happen in the future," Caucus Chairman Darren Parker said.
"Waters, a Los Angeles Democrat whose acerbic comments on President Trump have brought her national attention in her 14th term, was in the middle of a rousing speech against Trump on Saturday night when she was approached by a man who appeared to work for the convention center.
" 'Hey, leave her alone," audience members shouted as he interrupted to speak to her privately, prompting Parker to show the man away.
" 'That's all right, that's OK — they try to shut me up all the time," Waters quipped to loud cheers as she continued to speak. " . . .