Sunday, January 26, 2020

‘Blood Drained From Adam Schiff’s Face’: John Barrasso Says Schiff’s ‘Parody’ Backfired

Daily Caller  "Republican Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said Saturday that House impeachment manager Adam Schiff turned pale when President Donald Trump’s defense team played video of his Ukraine call “parody.”
"Barrasso joined several of his Senate colleagues in speaking to reporters after Trump’s defense team wrapped up their opening arguments — which included a video of Schiff, in a House Intelligence Committee hearing, fabricating his own version of the July 25th phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff had later dismissed the fabrication as “a parody.” . . .   (Which Rachel Maddow defended)

Today saw the premiere of two videos, each with a different vision of America

Andrea Widburg  . . . "Because videos have such a profound effect on the way in which we perceive things, it's noteworthy that two videos dropped today, both of which are getting positive buzz and both which make statements about what America is or what it could be.
"On the serious side, the GOP released a video entitled "For Democrats, It's All about Power."  The video is a compilation of all those moments when Democrats said something that made conservatives think, "Oh, my!  The commercials practically write themselves."  The ad intercuts power-hungry Democrat statements with Trump's warning to voters about the freedoms the American left wants to take from the American people.
"The Daily Wire helpfully assembled a list of the top moments included in the video, all highlighting the way in which Democrats want raw power:" . . 

A bit of snark from the Babylon Bee: Sanders Clarifies His Gulags Will Be Democratic Gulags

Antifa thugs can cite Obama as one inspiration

Antifa fights for love,
The mask slips: On a phone call, Obama called Trump a 'fascist' from the start

. . . "Three things stand out about this telling little conversation:
"One, Obama is an ideologue. Claiming that Trump is a fascist has zero, repeat zero, basis in reality. Fascists don't cut taxes and regulations, for one, fascists are all in for state takeovers of industry to start, quite similar to what was attempted in the Obama administration, actually.
"To call Trump a "fascist" is the statement of a far-left fanatic. "Fascist" is an old-time Communist Party U.S.A. epithet hurled by that crowd since the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, derived from the USSR's party line after Hitler's betrayal of Stalin's Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939. Up until that date, Communists and fascists (read: National Socialists) were pretty comfortable with one another. "Fascist" became an epithet hurled by communists all down the Comintern clientele abroad despite both sides being socialist in character. The term was then carried forward by the red diaper babies who first led the "filthy speech" movement of the early 1960s and then the "New Left" of the late 1960s, particularly in its truly crazed fringes such as the Weather Underground movement. Surprise, surprise, that was led by Obama's mentor, Bill Ayers.
"Fanatic is right. So despite that "Mr. Cool" exterior, Obama was a fanatic all along." . . .
Rich Terrell

Perjury? Schiff ‘star witness’ LTC (Mister) Vindman claimed Obama shipped lethal aid to Ukraine but…it was Trump

Whatfinger News  "(TNS) When President Donald Trump, at the urging of his national security team, agreed to provide “lethal” assistance to Ukraine in order to assist the country in its battle against Russian-backed separatists in the east, it was a significant development.
"Trump made the decision in December 2017, which was a major policy shift from the Obama administration, which regularly threatened to send lethal aid but never did. Obama drew a couple of “red lines” that he never enforced though.
"At the time of Trump’s decision, The Hill reported:
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the administration approved the sale of Model M107A1 sniper systems and associated equipment to the country at a value of $41.5 million. The administration has not yet moved to approve sales of heavier arms requested by Ukraine’s government, including Javelin anti-tank missiles.
"The move from the White House is a departure from the Obama administration, which frequently condemned Russian aggression in the Ukraine but refused to approve the sale of arms to the country’s Western-aligned government.
"So there’s that.
"Why, then, would one of Adam Schiff’s star witnesses in his secret squirrel impeachment inquiry hearings testify to the opposite?" . . .

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Schiff’s Call To Invalidate A Trump Re-Election Is A Revealing Attack On Voters

In Jefferson’s inaugural address, where he famously said that “we are all republicans, we are all federalists,” he was not declaring an end partisan politics. Far from it. Instead, he was reiterating that under the Constitution, the rights of all Americans will be protected and respected, that deliberation and the political process must and will triumph under this experiment in liberty.
The Federalist:Schiff’s Call To Invalidate A Trump Re-Election Is A Revealing Attack On Voters  "For all the accusations of “norm breaking” hurled at President Donald Trump, the early stages of the Senate impeachment trial have revealed that congressional Democrats are perfectly willing to flirt with toppling one of the few, and most essential, precedents in American history.
"House managers of the trial, all Democrats, cut right to the chase: If this whole impeachment thing doesn’t work out, and Trump is acquitted, it doesn’t matter. A Trump victory at the ballot box in 2020 has been preemptively deemed illegitimate.
"So says House manager Rep. Adam Schiff, arguing to impeach Trump without the accusation of an actual crime.
“The president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box,” Schiff said. “For we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won.”
"The California Democrat, who sought impeachment before the story about Trump’s Ukraine call ever broke, accused Trump of using the power of the presidency to “cheat in an election” and again brought up the debunked Russia-collusion narrative. So, if Schiff and fellow impeachment managers can’t convince the Senate to toss Trump from office, Americans must accept the will of House Democrats and perhaps ignore the result of the next election?
"So much for being the party of upholding “norms” against the Trumpian norm-breakers. Saying that Americans should outright ignore an election result is an absurd attack on an underappreciated hallmark of American exceptionalism." . . .

3 Dem House Managers Voted “No” Against Ukraine Aid!

Steve Gruber

"Stefanik destroys Democrats by exposing that three Democrat House Managers voted "NO" against aid to Ukraine."

By Sophie O’Hara | January 24, 2020.   "Rep Stefanik came out guns blazing after another tiring round from today’s impeachment trial.
"Stefanik reflected the exasperation and frustration many Americans are feeling when she met the press afterward and proceeded to tear the Democrat’s impeachment case apart.
"But where she hit the Democrats hardest was by pointing out the biggest piece of hypocrisy yet: three Democrat House Managers voted “NO” against aid to Ukraine."
Watch the video

Jonathan Turley Says Dem Impeachment Will Go Down as “Greatest Historic Blunder”  . . . "Turley argued then that the Democrat’s case against Trump was “not just woefully inadequate, but in some respects, dangerous, as the basis for the impeachment of an American president.”
“ 'I am concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger,” he said then. “If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment would stand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnest evidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president.' ” . . .

Trump Legal Team Lays Out 6-Point Case Crushing Democrats’ Impeachment Claims

Daily Wire

"President Donald Trump’s legal defense team laid out an aggressive six-point case dismantling the Democrats’ impeachment case on Saturday that was simply built around highlighting the facts of what happened surrounding Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
"Trump’s defense team only used two of the 24 hours that they were allotted during their first of three days that they have to argue in front of the Senate that Trump should be acquitted from the Democrats’ partisan impeachment charges.
"Laying out Trump’s six-point defense was deputy White House counsel Michael Purpura, who said the following:
  1. “The transcript shows that the president did not condition either security assistance or a meeting on anything. The paused security assistance funds aren’t even mentioned on the call.”
  2. “President Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly said that there was no quid pro quo and no pressure on them to review anything.”
  3. “President Zelensky and high-ranking Ukrainian officials did not even know, did not even know, the security assistance was paused until the end of August, over a month after the July 25 call.”
  4. “Not a single witness testified that the President himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting, or anything else.”
  5. “The security assistance flowed on September 11 and a presidential meeting took place on September 25 without the Ukrainian government announcing any investigations.”
  6. “The Democrats blind drive to impeach the president does not and cannot change the fact, as attested to by the Democrats own witnesses, that President Trump has been a better friend and stronger supporter of Ukraine than his predecessor.”
“Those are the facts,” Purpura said. “Each one of these six facts standing alone is enough to sink the Democrats’ case. Combined they establish what we’ve known since the beginning, the president did absolutely nothing wrong.” . . .

Trump Soars To Highest Job Approval Rating Of Presidency Despite Impeachment Trial

After the Stillborn Impeachment Finally Is Dismissed, Trump Should Employ Greater Prudence During the Next Five Years
The American Spectator
                                 No reason to give the haters anything to play with.

. . . "I wish to the dickens that Donald Trump and some of his earliest inside closest advisers had obtained the education I got. Trump is a brilliant guy, and I understand and appreciate how his mind works. He got a fabulous business education, between his Dad and his Wharton schooling. I wish only that he also had gone to law school and had been exposed to 2,000 real-life situations of mess-ups that resulted from people assuming and failing to exercise the prudence of anticipation. If he had, he would have handled the Zelensky phone call differently when he spoke with the newly elected Ukrainian president. As he would have been talking, his brilliant mind also would have been multitasking and warning him how each and every word could be manipulated and distorted by the thugs and goons who comprise Nancy Pelosi’s inner circle. There was not a thing wrong with the substance of that phone call. He is the chief executive of this country, and it is about time that we have a president who does not just fork over foreign aid without first assuring that our tax dollars will be spent as intended, not shot down a rabbit hole of foreign corruption." . . .

Trump? It’s Time to Prosecute Obama

Cartoon added by TD
The American Spectator
                      Cash payment to Iranian mullahs violated federal law.

"While Democrats are demanding the impeachment of the current president, how about prosecuting the last one?
''With the newfound concern for presidential law-breaking — and as the impeachment trial of President Trump gears up a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), saying President Trump broke the law by withholding aid to Ukraine — the precedent for effectively prosecuting alleged presidential lawbreaking has now been set.
"Which brings the focus to a prosecution of former President Barack Obama.
"Over there at National Reviewway back in August of 2016, Andrew McCarthy — Andy a former federal prosecutor — headlined this:
President Obama Violated the Law with His Ransom Payment to Iran
"After acknowledging the outrage over the cash payment and the charges that Obama paid a ransom for hostages, former prosecutor McCarthy said this of the now-infamous Obama transfer of a cash payment to the Iranian mullahs:
It is a waste of time to debate that point further.…
More worth examining is why the transaction took the bizarre form that it did. To cut to the chase, I believe it was to camouflage — unsuccessfully — the commission of felony law violations.…
 Full article here.

Navy commander surrendered to Iran to protect Obama's nuclear deal

Iran Harassed The US Navy Under Obama. Here's Why It Stopped Under Trump
. . . "During Obama's presidency, Iran would charge Navy ships with fast attack craft, buzz fighter jets with drones, and even shine lasers at helicopters operating at sea.
"But the worst, most embarrassing incident occurred in January 2016, when Iran's navy seized two Navy riverine boats and the 10 sailors on board after the ship wandered into Iranian waters due to mechanical issues. They broadcast footage of the sailors, crying, in detention, on television across the country. Iran later announced plans to build a monument commemorating the event." . . .

. . . "In September of that same year, Trump addressed Iran while on the campaign trail. "When they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn't be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water," Trump said." . . .

. . . "With Trump similarly focused on optics and pledging to revitalize the U.S. military, Iran may have pivoted towards quietly pursuing its foreign policy goals, rather than making a scene that Trump could react to violently." . . .

David Limbaugh explains why the Democrats must not win

James Stansbury  "Maxine Waters (D) vowed last Sunday that Democrats "will not stop" their attempt to impeach Trump even if they fail this time.  Her latest vexation is characteristic of the Dem's unceasing insanity.  For anyone having any remaining doubt that the once respected Democratic Party of JFK is dead, I recommend David Limbaugh's latest book, Guilty by Reason of Insanity.  In it he explains "why the Democrats must not win" with 380 pages of meticulously researched evidence backed up by 80 pages of end notes.  (Included is at least one credit to American Thinker's Thomas Lifson and another for Brian C. Joondeph, a regular AT contributor.)

"It took a while to finish the book because it is too mentally fatiguing to ingest so much disturbing information except when taken in small bites spread far apart.  Below are three excerpts that provide some of his insights into what the party has become.  
"The Democratic Party is a vehicle of leftist extremism that poses an existential threat to America as founded — because it is at war with our first principles and traditions.  It is anti-capitalist and rejects equality of opportunity in favor of a hierarchy of privileges of identity groups ranked according to their alleged level of historical oppression.  It's a brazenly anti-life party that promotes gender anarchy, militant feminism, and hostility toward traditional male roles and masculinity itself.  It prosecutes a vicious culture war punctuated by an ongoing assault on Christians' religious liberty (p. 2)." . . .
. . . "Obviously, there is much more in Limbaugh's book than could possibly be summarized here, but reading it should open many eyes to truths that have been so successfully silenced in our postmodern era.

Jim Jordan Destroys Adam Schiff’s Credibility Simply By Listing His Track Record

Jay Greenberg

. . . "Speaking to reporters Wednesday, during a break in Trump's Senate impeachment trial, Jordan listed a number of things Schiff has stated with conviction that turned out to be false: 

We’re supposed to believe Adam Schiff today and everything he’s saying?This is the guy who said, ‘We have more than circumstantial evidence that there was coordination between Trump and Russia, and Russia influenced the election.’That turned out to be false.
. . . 
"Jordan continued:

Adam Schiff said that the Nunes memo was false. Michael Horowitz told us no it wasn’t; it was exactly right.Adam Schiff said you can trust the FISA court. Michael Horowitz told us last month that no, you can’t; they lied to the FISA court 17 times.Adam Schiff told us we look forward to hearing from the whistleblower.Adam Schiff said we’ve had no contact with the whistleblower.Then just yesterday, the story where he misrepresents to all of you to Chairman [Jerry] Nadler and most importantly to the White House counsel that Mr. Z is Mr. Zelensky, when in fact it was Mr. Zlochevsky.

Read more.

CBS Late Show Host: Impeach Trump Now Because ‘Three Years Is Enough’

Neon Nettle  "Stephen Colbert blasted President during show" He does that nearly every show, as he did to President Bush.

. . . "The host also blasted senators for apparently lacking the conviction of their beliefs.“Day one of the impeachment trial drew 11 million viewers. That’s a lot of people,” Colbert said. “That’s not Super Bowl ratings, but it’s at least Puppy Bowl ratings," he added."But that’s not fair to compare puppies to US Senators – the puppies still have their balls.' ” . . .