What’s even more disturbing about the military presence is that, as Tucker points out, it appears that the Pentagon has thrown its weight entirely to the Democrat party. Certainly, it is following the ludicrous ‘insurrection’ narrative. We see clearly that the one institution in America that was entirely non-partisan, at least at the upper levels, has become just another part of the Deep State. It seems that Obama succeeded in changing management in the Pentagon.
Intellectual Takeout . . . "This military occupation of Washington D.C. also raises some questions.
"When some in the previous administration advocated putting National Guard troops on our border to prevent what amounts to an invasion of our country, why did so many on the left resist that measure?
"When rioters were burning and looting our cities all summer long, and some wished to send the Guard to put a stop to those thugs and vandals, why did some governors refuse to use the military to quell these riots?
"How long will the National Guard remain in Washington? What exactly is their mission statement? All military units have mission statements, but do we know what our leaders intend to do with this force once Inauguration Day has passed?
"The swell of troops to our nation’s capitol is a disconcerting sight. Is this show of force based on real information and apprehension about an armed mob entering the city? Or is it intended to go hand-in-hand with the recent attacks on some members of our Congress and Big Tech’s silencing of thousands of Americans, including a presiding president, to drive home the point that the government now in charge will brook no nonsense about such freedoms as those of speech and assembly? Do we still live in a republic or are we now in a dictatorship?
"On Monday evening, Jan. 18, Tucker Carlson rightly railed against this massive turnout of soldiers and the dangerous suggestions of a Congressman and a retired colonel, with the latter advocating for the military to put down domestic terrorists. In this case he apparently meant those who voted for Donald Trump. You can watch this video and read Andrea Widburg’s accompanying article here." . . .