Wednesday, July 28, 2021

GOP Lawmaker Sounds Off, Says Biden Border Policy Aims To Make Illegals Tomorrow’s ‘Democrat Voters’

 Trending Politics   . . . Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Gimenez is calling the Biden administration’s handling of the immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border “almost criminal.”

While speaking to a reporter at a rally on Tuesday for freedom in Cuba held at the U.S. Capitol, Gimenez also said he thinks the Biden administration is releasing thousands of migrants into the U.S. in the hopes they will eventually become Democratic voters.

“That’s the problem with having an administration which says they’re centrist but they’re not really,” Gimenez said.

“They’re really far left extreme, a far-left extreme administration. People say, ‘Well, look, [Biden] talks like a centrist.’ I don’t care how the president talks. I care what the president does, and what the president is doing, especially at the southern border, is almost criminal,” he added." . . .

Comment to this post: "We are seeing the planned destruction of our country happening before our own eyes in real time, the democrats are as we speak executing a 2nd coup on America. Our elected leaders do nothing and have reneged on their oath of office and this impostor regime has taken control, we are being initiated into the NWO by our enemies. We the PEOPLE must rise and be heard and these traitors in office must go, the nation must be saved before it is too late they have made a deal with the globalists. We are being tested by the dems and globalists to see how long we will obey so they will know when to take our 2nd amendment protection against tyranny, we need to defend our country."

America had its first show trial on Tuesday and it was loathsome

Once again, if you want this situation to change, you must be heard. Inform yourself (and we’re happy to help), but you need to reach out to your congresspeople, rather than letting leftists be the only ones they hear from. Andrea Widberg

Andrea Widburg  . . . "While Antifa and BLM got a pass for their violent behavior during 2020 (and in all other years for that matter), the FBI has been hunting January 6 people down like dogs. They are political prisoners kept in inhumane circumstances. They are being overcharged with felonies, even though most did nothing more than “trespass” in the People’s house or “parade.” Doing this will ensure that they are forever deprived of their right to vote or carry arms.

"None of the politicians in the Capitol came into contact with the Americans who entered the Capitol. And yet we were treated to the disgraceful spectacle of Reps. Schiff and Kinzinger sobbing. They’re bad actors. You could see the moving parts." . . .

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Poll: More Americans Want ‘Black Lives Matter Riots’ Investigated Than January 6 Riot

 Daily Wire   "As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi picks members of a select committee to investigate the riots of January 6, a new poll finds that many Americans believe she’s focusing on the wrong riots.

"One-third more Americans believe Congress should hold investigative hearings about last summer’s “Black Lives Matter protests that sparked violence” than think lawmakers ought to probe the riot at the capitol on January 6.

"In all, two out of three likely U.S. voters say they believe Congress should open an official investigation into “the violent protests,” which blazed a trail of arson and looting through major and mid-sized cities nationwide. On the other hand, fewer than half (49%) of Americans support Pelosi’s investigation of the D.C. riot, in which rioters protesting the 2020 presidential election results stormed the capitol.

"Support for a federal inquiry into the riots that engulfed U.S. cities after the death of George Floyd cut deep across racial and political lines. “Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” reported Rasmussen Reports. “Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”

"The Speaker’s controversial select committee stands on shakier ground." . . .

Tony Branco

Breaking News: House KILLS Kevin McCarthy's bid to get his GOP picks on the Capitol Riot committee with 'Pelosi Republicans' Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger voting with Democrats just hours before the first hearing

 UK Daily Mail  "The House of Representatives voted Monday night to kill a resolution from Republican leader Kevin McCarthy to get his picks on Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol Riot Select Committee.

"Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who many inside the GOP want to see punished for choosing to take their seats on the panel, voted against the measure with the vote finishing 218-197.

"McCarthy’s resolution was the last bid to compel Pelosi to accept the five Republican members and allow them to be part of the investigation he has called a ‘sham’.

"He withdrew all his nominations when Pelosi refused to seat Reps Jim Banks and Jim Jordan last week.

"The vote came just hours before the first hearing was set to begin on Tuesday into the investigation into January 6.  

"Cheney said on Monday that McCarthy was ‘childish’ for labeling her and Kinzinger, the only two members of the GOP on the January 6 committee, ‘Pelosi Republicans.’

" ‘We’ve got very serious business here. We have important work to do,’ she said to reporters on Capitol Hill." . . .

The Washington Post’s Hit Job on Tucker Carlson

"The Washington Post headline read this way: How Tucker Carlson became the voice of White grievance "

"As Ronald Reagan might say, there goes the left-wing media again.

"When a conservative media figure arises with a sizable audience of millions of Americans, one can bet that, like clockwork, the Post or some other lefty journal or network will indignantly smear the target of the moment as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc.

"This kind of racket has appeared since the late William F. Buckley Jr. burst on the national scene with his bestselling book God and Man at Yale, way back in 1951 — a full 70 years ago. The young whippersnapper Buckley — 26 at the time — was assailed by horrified leftists as promoting “pure fascism” and worse by simply saying Yale had been infected with left-wing bias in its classrooms.

"So with Tucker Carlson drawing millions to his Fox show Tucker Carlson Tonight it was inevitable that he would be targeted (again!) as Buckley, the late Rush Limbaugh, and a by-now lengthy list of conservative media personalities and news outlets have been (including, as I was startled to realize while at CNN, yours truly).

"But let’s stick to this piece on Tucker and wade in to the specifics of the Post smear to illustrate just how the Game of Smears has been played here — and focus on just who, really, is into the politics of racial grievance.

"Let’s start with the headline.  . . .

The General’s New Clothes: Transgender Policy and the Willful Demoralization of the American Military

The following is from @WhyWherever, aka Melquíades, a serving member of the military who, for obvious and sad reasons, cannot risk stating these views publicly. It is based on a powerful Twitter thread that highlights what our Navy has become under the woke leadership currently in place.

 Kurt Schlichter  "I’m a naval officer who’s spent the last 15 years on active duty.  In that time, much has changed.  Today I’m required to affirm that a man who has had his penis turned inside out or a woman who’s cut off her breasts has actually become a member of the opposite sex in order to keep my job.  Let’s look beyond the “ick” factor and grapple with what’s really going on. 

"Not until late in their political careers did Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden depart from their long-held position that marriage was exclusive to a man and a woman.  Not only have they abandoned that claim, President Biden has firmly declared that “transgender rights are the civil rights issue of our day.”  In short, powerful people are prone to dramatic reversals when they prove politically useful. 

"We’ve long expected that sort of chicanery from our politicians, but the leaders of our military were a different story.  We took them at their word when they swore an oath to the Constitution and we cherish our apolitical fighting force.  Unfortunately, it’s time for greater scrutiny." . . .

. . .  "Or do you believe that every one of these 50 and 60-year-old men suddenly realized that they'd been wrong all along? That Bradley Manning isn't a traitor and that Chelsea Manning is a civil rights hero?  Be serious." . . .

Texas Democrats Who Fled the State Scorched for Asking for Care Packages

💙 Our Dems in DC said they’d appreciate care packages from home. Before 5pm Tues, we're collecting Dr. Pepper, salsa, hard candy, hairspray, travel toiletries, hand sanitizers, sewing kits, first aid, and/ or $ to pay shipping. TY!

 Legal Insurrection  "The Texas Democrats who flew on a private plane without masks to Washington, D.C., and hopped on chartered buses to avoid their responsibility are begging for care packages.

"You know, because they’re equivalent to the troops or people in actual need of food and basic needs.

So tone-deaf.

"These people have been schmoozing with Senate leaders and Vice President Kamala Harris instead of tackling two bills regarding voting requirements. House Bill 3 would make it harder to cheat, but it cannot leave the house because the chamber does not have the two-thirds quorum it needs to vote on it.

Rebeccah Heinrichs  @RLHeinrichs  

They’re in hotels in our nation’s capital. If you’re moved to help those truly in need, and want a worthy cause, consider donating to Samaritan’s Purse.

China: The Fourth Rome

Issues & Insights

"When it comes to ostentatious displays of grandeur, there ain’t no party like a Communist Party. 

"The festivities in Tiananmen Square commemorating the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th birthday on July 1st were a sight to behold.  Donning a Mao suit and standing behind a podium adorned with a hammer and sickle, Xi Jinping, General-Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, spoke of a “national rejuvenation” through the continuing implementation of “Socialism with Chinese characteristics,” threatened the Party’s enemies, and pledged to thwart any attempts to avoid China’s desired anschluss with Taiwan. 

"Xi did everything to invoke the ghosts of Communist dictators past short of taking his shoe off and banging it on the podium.  But under the Communist pageantry lies a less obvious similarity between the Chinese Dragon of today and the Russian Bear of yesteryear.  That is the way in which Chinese Communism, like its Soviet cousin, is tinged by historic cultural aspirations.

“ 'Communism is not an Asiatic or Russian growth, as some maintain.  In its Soviet form, it has been shaped and colored by Russian peculiarities.”  So observed Whittaker Chambers who died 60 years ago this month, an anniversary that aside from this column will go as unnoticed as Chambers’ 120th birthday last April." . . . 

House Freedom Caucus Asks McCarthy To ‘End Nancy Pelosi’s Authoritarian Reign’

McCarthy chose five Republicans to be on the committee and investigate the Capitol riot. Pelosi vetoed Banks and Jordan, citing their dismissive statements about the committee, Fox News reported. (RELATED: Pelosi Launches Select Committee To Investigate Jan.6) 

Daily Caller   "The House Freedom Caucus called on Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Friday, Fox News reported.

The caucus sent McCarthy a letter asking him to present a motion by July 31 “to vacate the chair and end Nancy Pelosi’s authoritarian reign as Speaker of the House.”

The caucus called Pelosi’s decision to remove Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks from the Select Committee to Investigate Jan. 6 “intolerable.”

“ 'Speaker Pelosi’s tenure is destroying the House of Representatives and our ability to faithfully represent the people we are here to serve,” the caucus wrote in its letter to McCarthy.

China to US: Move out of the way

The Chinese are not nice these days, according to news reports:  . . . "In your face, Wendy, or something like that.

"The Chinese must feel that this kind of language does not cost them anything.  Maybe they watched that CNN town hall meeting.  Or maybe they saw the incoherent withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Or maybe they expect the Biden administration to focus on climate change rather than growing the U.S. economy.

"China has decided that they can take shots at the U.S. without consequence.  Why not?  They allegedly hatched a virus that destroyed the world's economy and killed three million people.

"Wonder what they're thinking in Taiwan about all of this?  I don't know, but I'd be worried if I lived on that island."

Monday, July 26, 2021

George Soros funneled $1M to defund the police movement as violent crime continues to surge

UK Daily Mail 

"George Soros has provided financial support to an organization backing the defund the police movement as violent crimes surge across the country.

"The billionaire, who regularly backs Democratic congressional candidates and attorneys general, donated $1 million to the Color Of Change PAC, which calls itself the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

"The sum was Soros’s largest political donation of the 2021 election cycle and supported the PAC’s efforts to slash police budgets." . . .

At the Olympics, the USA loses again and again, but Americans don't care

 Andrea Widburg

"I hope they all lose, every last one of them, and lest anyone ask, "But what about the athletes who love America?," here’s my answer: if you belong to a business — say, the American Olympic sports franchise — that hates its customers, the fact that you, personally, don't hate those customers is irrelevant.  The customers are going to hate you.  If you dislike that reality, it's time to get into another business or start pushing back against the haters within your organization."

". . .  Of late, though, our athletes are no longer amateurs; the Soviets are gone; we worship at the Chinese shrine; the Olympics are on every two years and broadcast 24/7, making for complete over-saturation; and too many of our Olympic athletes hate the country they're representing.  For that reason, those Americans who love their country the most have cared the least when Americans have fallen flat in Tokyo.

"The first occasion for an anti-Olympic celebration came when the women's soccer team suffered a humiliating defeat to Sweden, with the Swedish team beating the Americans 3-0.  That score, in a game renowned for sometimes having only one score during the entire game, was a blow-out.  The Americans didn't just lose; they were humiliated.  And as many conservatives felt, it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of self-centered, unpleasant, unpatriotic women.  Brigitte Gabriel's response is representative of the conservative view: 

Every time the US Women's National Soccer team loses a game, I will proudly play the US National Anthem and stand with my hand over my heart singing every word

 . . .  

Olympics Ratings Disaster, Viewership At 33 Year Low…  Covid or not, I personally will not watch glowering, angry young people who want us to know of their dislike for our country. I reject them just as I have contempt for any of those costumed, frowning Democrats sitting in Congress. TD

Let's Cheer the Olympians Who Aren't Pathetic, Woke Morons 

. . . "The most recent one focuses on the ingrate American Olympians like the U.S. Women’s soccer team, who are deserving of all the derision they receive." . . .

  . . . "Forget the posturing losers. Let’s remember the athletes who do it all for the right reasons."

U-S-A! U-S-A!