Trending Politics . . . Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Gimenez is calling the Biden administration’s handling of the immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border “almost criminal.”
While speaking to a reporter at a rally on Tuesday for freedom in Cuba held at the U.S. Capitol, Gimenez also said he thinks the Biden administration is releasing thousands of migrants into the U.S. in the hopes they will eventually become Democratic voters.
“That’s the problem with having an administration which says they’re centrist but they’re not really,” Gimenez said.
“They’re really far left extreme, a far-left extreme administration. People say, ‘Well, look, [Biden] talks like a centrist.’ I don’t care how the president talks. I care what the president does, and what the president is doing, especially at the southern border, is almost criminal,” he added." . . .
Comment to this post: "We are seeing the planned destruction of our country happening before our own eyes in real time, the democrats are as we speak executing a 2nd coup on America. Our elected leaders do nothing and have reneged on their oath of office and this impostor regime has taken control, we are being initiated into the NWO by our enemies. We the PEOPLE must rise and be heard and these traitors in office must go, the nation must be saved before it is too late they have made a deal with the globalists. We are being tested by the dems and globalists to see how long we will obey so they will know when to take our 2nd amendment protection against tyranny, we need to defend our country."