Thursday, February 20, 2025

Senate aide who filmed a porno video on Capitol Hill monetizes his degeneracy and starts selling ‘content’ on OnlyFans

 Olivia Murray  

"What is it about the Democrat party that attracts the scummiest and most despicable individuals, before giving them a platform and position in their movement?"

"Remember a couple of years ago when a young Democrat staffer filmed himself engaged in gay, anal sex with an unidentified partner in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing room, which was then “leaked” online, before claiming that he would “never” do anything to “disrespect” his workplace.

"Yeah, okay.

"According to a new report out at The Washington Free Beacon, he’s now monetized his obscene proclivities and lifestyle, and is selling his hardcore “content” on pornographic social media platforms like OnlyFans and Just for Fans for just $9.99 a month… under the name “Senate Twink”, a nod to his time in government. (A “twink” is a gay man who typically acts as the submissive partner.)

"So much for the deep “respect” he claimed to have for his former job and workplace—nothing says dignity like monetizes one of the grossest scandals in American history (at least, to which the public is privy) and peddling cheap, gay pornography; he’d also been warned about his social media content before the workplace sex tape made headlines, once posting a picture from what looked like a work dinner with a caption about “trying to resist the urge” to suck on a (gay) congressman’s fingers who was also present for the meeting. Seriously, what is wrong with these people.

"As the Free Beacon item notes, none of this really rules out his return to American (Democrat) politics. David Hogg somehow secured the DNC’s vice-chair position, Anthony Weiner is out of prison after spending six years in the can for sexting a young girl and ready to do some damage on New York’s city council, and a new report today revealed that Andrew Cuomo, the former governor who resigned in disgrace amid credible reports of sexual harassment, is preparing a run for New York City mayor." . . .

Democrats defend the indefensible

 Chris Talgo  

President Donald Trump is putting the Democrats on defense as he marches forward and delivers on his campaign promises. Unlike his predecessors, he is more than happy to wage war on the deep state on behalf of the American people.

. . ."Make no mistake, the vast majority of Democrats still suffer from an incurable case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Why else would they cavalierly oppose popular policies that their own constituents generally support?

"While TDS may play a role in the Democrats’ staunch antagonism to Trump’s agenda, it also must be noted that Democrats have benefitted mightily from many of the backwards policies and wasteful spending programs that the Trump administration is finally undoing.

"For several decades, the Democratic Party has embedded operatives throughout the federal bureaucracy. As the New York Post recently reported, Democrats far outnumber Republicans in nearly every federal department. The lopsided makeup of these agencies, nearly all of which skew heavily towards Democrats, inevitably shapes the nature of their priorities.

"In other words, the Democrats are going apoplectic about DOGE revealing the rampant waste, fraud, and abuse that is all too commonplace throughout the federal bureaucracy because they fear that this is the end of their lavish government gravy train.

"For many decades, deep-state Democratic Party-aligned apparatchiks have used these agencies to further their progressive, big government agenda.

"The problem is that this fourth branch of government has become much too powerful. Today, unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, most of whom espouse progressive values, think they can micromanage our lives better than we can. Moreover, they assume that they have the right to spend our hard-earned tax dollars on pet projects and assorted wealth redistribution schemes." . . .

"The View"; False knowledge is damning.

The View and a host of others demonstrate that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing -- and no knowledge is pernicious

"Over the years, there have been some intelligent conservative women on their panel, but they do not last. They are hounded off the show or quit for obvious reasons – there can be no rational conversation." 
Ian Macfarlane toon added by TD

. . ."Hmmm.  For Hostin, apparently skin color is quite literally everything and her barely black skin color makes her smarter than all those other women who voted for Trump.  Has the woman never heard of MLK, Jr.?  About the content of character?  Does she understand the meaning of the word ‘character’?  Perhaps not.  That people like Hostin continue to believe that skin color is relevant to how one votes is both astonishing and lamentable.  She only betrays her ignorance with such statements. 

"That she could not see and realize that Kamala Harris was monumentally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president, is a sad commentary on the lack of basic, essential knowledge of those in the media who presume to tell their viewers what to think and how to vote. 

"What Hostin revealed with that statement was her own lack of historical knowledge that informs one’s ability to judge who is and who is not capable of leading in any profession.  It is not, and has never been, about skin color. 

"Our greatest living Supreme Court Justice is Clarence Thomas.  Our greatest living economist is Thomas Sowell.  Both are black.  The left loathes them both.  Like the other women on The View, Behar and Goldberg in particular, they seem to be mind-numbed morons, determined to impart their oh, so seriously biased and uninformed opinions to others. 

"The same can of course be said of countless other news readers who pretend to be journalists. 

"Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan of CBS tried to tell Secretary of State Marco Rubio that the Holocaust was the result of free speech!  Not Hitler, not antisemitism, not national socialism but free speech!  Rubio, shocked at the sheer silliness of her statement, eloquently refuted her. 

"Scott Jennings, who so far is surviving being on CNN, has the unenviable job of correcting the absurd commentaries of his fellow CNN panelists who, likewise, seem to know nothing beyond that which their far-left, woke superiors have filled their heads. " . . .

$2B of the EPA Stash Zeldin Found at Citibank Was Going to Stacey Abrams

Hot Air   

. . ."The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) reportedly uncovered that the funds were allocated to "Power Forward Communities," a nonprofit tied to Abrams, which had only $100 in its account months prior. Granted by the Biden administration’s EPA in April 2024 . . ." Nuff Said? Racism claims begin in 3...2...1...

"That's billions with a "B" designated for the election denying real Georgia governor and former President of Earth, Stacey Abrams.

Not that I don't have anything against the woman's perpetual hustles - girls gotta make a living, I guess. But why does it always seem to be taxpayers getting fleeced whenever that name comes up?

Now, she hasn't kept a low profile since the Trump takeover. She's been busy doing her duty as a loyal drone to insinuate dark deeds afoot and sinister motives to every move that the president and his housecleaning sidekick make, even when she has to lie to do it.

"For instance - I'd be happy if they could cite a single court order that's been 'defied' as they claim. Every TRO attempt has been answered by a Trump legal response or challenge and settled accordingly.

"It's simply easier for the progressive foot soldiers to spew than attempt a reasoned argument with a fact or two thrown in for legitimacy.

"So, only a week ago, brand new EPA head Lee Zeldin and his team had their own 'Look what we found!' moment." . . .

In addition: "Well, Stacey Abrams *is* coming after your gas stove"...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Democrats in the Wilderness

Whitson G. Waldo, III

"The Democrat party appears determined to spend the next 40 years wandering in the wilderness. There have been no fruitful reflections leading to productive responses to the drubbing Democrats took in the 2024 national elections. The few Cassandras who think some change in course is required are considered by Democrat elitists to be dinosaurs worthy of disdain.

"Progressivism has gone down its endless path far enough so that the worldview is post-reality. Progressivism has long since left classical liberalism in the rear-view mirror. Many of their policies today (e.g. killing pre-born babies, protecting criminal illegal aliens, facilitating fentanyl supply with open borders, inflicting irreversible reproductive damage on minors, disregard of monetary inflation that ravages the poor and middle class) are downright evil. As such, it is incompatible with common sense and antithetical to normality. Progressives cannot embrace western civilization, much less explicitly celebrate the Christian worldview.

"Obama has been the power behind the curtain running the DNC since he was President. As a result, progressive fascists occupy all important positions. The party cannot turn back. This means Democrats openly espousing their party’s positions will be less and less popular in the polls. Elections likely will become even more polarized with national polls trending Red as voters awaken.

"Message refinement, lying, dissembling, distortion, misrepresentation, and projection are the recourses open to Democrats. Having sparse rational arguments for their policies, ad hominem attacks will continue with emotional appeals. Democrats will represent themselves as angels of light, but they are deceivers. Once in power, they will revert to form and turn hard Left.

"To continue legislative successes, any successor to Trump must continue putting American interests first. The working-class poor and middle class must be protected from monetary inflation by requiring balanced budgets (with an exception for congressionally declared war). A much smaller government is required. Finally, there must be greater respect for our Bill of Rights to prevent government trampling again." . . .

 Whitson G. Waldo III  is a capitalist, a venture capitalist, and skipper of a 43 foot long sailing sloop.

Is Elon Musk Having Too Many Babies?

 Mark Tapson; Intellectual Takeout  

"Children have a right to their mother and father. Marriage secures that right. That’s why marriage is a matter of justice for children. Something for which money, or ‘being set for life’ will never compensate." . . .

"The internet exploded this weekend over the “scandal” that Elon Musk, the world’s richest man with a net worth of approximately $400 billion, has had yet another child, his 13th, with yet another woman, the fourth  to bear his children. His social media platform X titled the trending controversy, “Conservatives Clash Over Celebration of Out-of-Wedlock Births” as opinions on everything from traditional values to the sanctity of life to single motherhood flew fast and furious.
"Here is the background, if Wikipedia is to be believed (very often it is not): Musk had six children with his first wife Justine Wilson. Their first passed away early from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and they subsequently had five more (twins in 2004, then triplets in 2006) by IVF, or in vitro fertilization. Musk and Wilson divorced and he went on to marry Talulah Riley (twice) and get divorced (twice), but without children. He then had three children with Canadian musician Grimes and three more (two via IVF and one via surrogacy) with Shivon Zilis, director of operations for his company Neuralink. He married neither woman.
"Musk’s latest child is reportedly with conservative internet influencer Ashley St. Clair, who revealed online that she gave birth five months ago after keeping her pregnancy a closely guarded secret (at Musk’s request). Musk himself, as of this writing, has not confirmed this revelation, but his silence on the topic essentially removed all doubt for the social media crowd.
"Some posters on X blasted conservatives who cheered the unmarried Musk’s and St. Clair’s baby for their alleged hypocrisy in lecturing others about family values. Some conservatives, such as Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing, asserted that all children are a blessing from God (true) and that parents deserve congratulations rather than judgment, regardless of the circumstances under which they brought the child into the world. Many countered that, yes, we should celebrate life but not intentional single motherhood or sex outside of marriage." . . .

Vance to Europe: America Survived ’10 Years of Greta Thunberg,’ You can Survive Elon Musk    . . ."Vance echoed many of the same thoughts from Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth regarding European security.

"In other words, Team America: World Police is over. Europe has got to stop relying on America for everything because we need to take care of ourselves before anyone else, mainly because the most dangerous threats come from within.

"Vance called out Europe for not practicing what they preach. European Union leaders react with such glee when a country erases an election that didn’t turn out the way the EU wanted.

"They scream democracy but strike it down when it doesn’t go their way: . . ."

. . ."Now, I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one off, crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person. But no, this last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so called safe access zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson: JD Vance’s Message to European Leaders: Listen to Your People, Don’t Go Hard Left

 The Daily Signal  "Editor’s note: This is a lightly edited transcript of today’s video from Daily Signal Senior Contributor Victor Davis Hanson"

"JD Vance was trying to speak truth to power, so to speak. And they didn’t want to hear it. And what’s going to happen in the next year, people in Europe are going to rise up—these populist movements.

. . ."And his critics said, “Oh, he’s just talking to the MAGA people at home.” He wasn’t. He wasn’t talking to the French ministers. He wasn’t talking to the MAGA people at home or the American people in general. He was talking to the people of Europe and they support him because we are going to see possible radical changes in the German government, some Eastern European governments, but especially, the French government, and maybe the British government the next time. And they’re going to be national populists. 
"And he was telling them, “You have a right to stand up.” And do what? His criticism was multifaceted: Close your borders. Legal-only immigration. Up your defense budget. Allow for free speech. We’ve gone through the Biden nightmare at home. We know what it was like to go hard left. Don’t go that way. Deregulate. Cut taxes. Free up the economy. 
"And they got very angry about that. It was almost as if they knew that was true but they could not admit it. 
"But here’s the subtext I’m talking about. Germany and Europe better be very careful. Germany’s fertility rate is 1.45. Europe’s, in aggregate, is only about 1.5. We’re at least 1.6.
We said years ago in 2014, “NATO, pay 2% of gross domestic product and hold your own and pull your own weight.” And now it’s 10 years, 11 years later and we still have nine NATO countries that will not do it, especially Germany. They only spend 1.5%. Their energy is four times ours. And BMW and Audi and Mercedes cannot compete.
"Why? Because they’ve gone full Green New Deal, so to speak, and shut down coal, nuclear, natural gas plants. They have 16% of the population was not born in Germany. France is almost as bad. And they do not assimilate, intermarry, and integrate like we do. They are looking at this huge Russian-Ukrainian war on their borders where maybe 1.5 million people have been killed or wounded or missing."

The Bibas family and the antisemitic moral corruption of the world’s institutions

Andrea Widburg  

"But you know who is at fault, too? Israel itself. Israel has allowed this genocidal hatred to fester within its borders for generations. It’s been so busy showing the world how good it is, despite the world’s refusing to acknowledge this effort, that it’s abandoned its first duty, which is to protect its people."

"Hamas has announced what many have long suspected: Shiri Bibas and her two red-haired children, Ariel (5) and Kfir (2), all three of whom Hamas militants and their civilian allies kidnapped on October 7, 2023, are dead. Well, more than dead. Murdered.

"Given the symbolic significance those once-smiling redheads have had in Israel, their deaths serve as an important touchpoint to understanding the world’s complete moral collapse. That collapse is evidenced in how the world’s institutions (governments, academia, and the media) have responded since October 7. And while societies can survive for quite some time despite institutional financial corruption, moral corruption is a different story—and, the Bible would say, moral corruption against the Jews will destroy societies. Even Israel is not free from this stricture.

"On October 7, thousands of men from Gaza, whether official members of Hamas or the usual sadistic hangers-on that are rife in Muslim-Arab society, flooded into Israel. They targeted civilian enclaves—a music festival and kibbutzim where ordinary people lived—and killed over 1,200 people.

"The invaders went out of their way to make the killings as sadistic as possible, torturing people to death, including mass rape of women and, it seems, men. Children were slaughtered in their cradles. In addition, Hamas & Co. seized 251 people, almost all civilians and many of whom were children, including those Bibas babies, and dragged them into Gaza." . . 

Piers Morgan Visibly SHOCKED when Douglas Murray Exposes the Truth about “Innocent Gazans”

Comment to the above: "I am unable to find reputable News sources that can state, with any certainty, that a majority of Palestinians are willing or even interested in throwing off Hamas. I’m not looking for a public poll on the matter, just some meaningful summary of the Palestinian sentiment. What I am afforded thru the Press is the CERTAINTY that no surrounding Country wants anything to do with Palestinians…even as temporary inhabitants as Gaza is demolished and rebuilt. This burden of image is something that Palestinians must overcome or they will live in ruins for decades."

The deadliest mass crime wave in American history—who should be held accountable?

 Frank Hawkins  

"To make it clear, Mayorkas is in some large way responsible for the crimes, misery, and chaos spread across the country by the illegals he welcomed into the country. There is no other way to think about it."

"The Biden administration, under the direct authority of Cuban-born Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, oversaw the open-door welcoming of an estimated 11 million illegal aliens into the United States.

"A significant number of these illegals were known violent criminals, some directly released from jail cells in their own countries with the understanding that they could openly travel to, and be welcomed into, the United States.

"It was an unprecedented invasion of America fostered and directly supported by the very people tasked with protecting our nation’s borders and the country’s citizens and residents.

"In the middle of all this, Mayorkas appeared several times before Congress and always told the same lie, “The border is secure.”

"(It is widely understood that “Under Federal law, it is a crime to knowingly and willfully make a materially false statement to Congress punishable with up to five years in prison.”)

"The Mayorkas-sponsored invasion triggered the greatest single massive crime wave in American history. In the years 2022–2024, figures released by the US Border Protection Agency reported illegal aliens were responsible for 72,066 total crimes committed by illegals during the four-year time frame when Mayorkas ran DHS.

"This number included 80 homicides and 1,358 sexual assaults and related offenses.

"Thousands of other crimes committed included illegal drug possession, illegal re-entry, illegal weapons possession, driving under the influence, burglary, robbery, and assault and battery among others." . . .

Former spy, foreign correspondent and international businessman, Frank Hawkins is the author of the novels “The Zurich Printout” and “Ritter’s Gold” and co-author of the hilarious novel “$ea Weed,” written together with his daughter Liv. . .

Fact Check: AI Video FALSELY Claims Joy Behar Was Arrested At The Airport Over $50M Lawsuit Involving Karoline Leavitt: yellow Journalism!

  Lead Stories   

"Was TV host Joy Behar arrested at the airport trying to flee the country after a $50M lawsuit involving comments about White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt? No, that's not true: The story narrated in a viral video was written by AI according to online detection tools, and there have been no actual news reports about any such lawsuit. An image in the video thumbnail that supposedly showed the arrest as Behar was attempting to board "a one-way flight to Italy, her ancestral homeland" was also generated with AI tools.

"The story appeared in a video (archived here) published on YouTube on February 17, 2025, under the headline "Joy Behar ARRESTED at Airport Trying to Flee the Country After $50M Lawsuit-Karoline Leavitt Reacts!." The description opened:

Daytime television has just been rocked by an unbelievable bombshell--Joy Behar, the fiery and controversial co-host of The View, has been arrested at the airport while allegedly trying to flee the country. And why? Because of a shocking $50 million lawsuit that could completely destroy her career. The drama is unfolding fast, and the details are even crazier than you'd expect. Did Joy really try to run from the law? Is her career officially over? Stay tuned, because this story is about to take a wild turn.

Everything began with a single comment that sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry. During a heated debate on The View, Joy Behar made a highly controversial remark about Caroline Leavitt, the newly appointed White House Press Secretary. In a moment that would haunt her forever, Behar dismissed Leavitt's qualifications, suggesting that she only got the role because of her appearance.

The backlash was instant and brutal. Social media erupted into a firestorm, with thousands of users demanding accountability. Political analysts, journalists, and even former colleagues chimed in, calling Behar's statement one of the most reckless comments of her career. Viewers from both sides of the political spectrum found themselves united in outrage, accusing her of blatant hypocrisy. For years, Behar had built her career championing women's rights and empowerment--yet, in one careless moment, she had completely contradicted her own principles. . . .

If The View goes down, let it be by their own weight, not by made up Yellow journalism* . TD

PolitiFact | No, ABC didn’t say it was cutting ‘View’ co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

*The very definition of MSNBC.

Most Americans Support DOGE and ‘Energetic’ Trump

American Spectator; "Democrat antics and media mendacity aside, a clear majority favor paring down government."   

"The voters made their choice and they know Democrat caterwauling and corporate media propaganda are, to borrow a phrase, simply sound and fury signifying nothing." 

"During his bid to reclaim the White House, President Trump pledged to pare down the federal government and said Elon Musk would play a role in that effort. The Democrats evidently expected this project to go the way of the ineffectual Simpson-Bowles and Grace Commissions. Consequently, they were less than pleased when Trump rebranded the United States Digital Service (USDS) as the United States DOGE Service and promptly sicced it on the bureaucratic leviathan. The public differs with the Democrats, however. According to Newsweek, a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll found that “61 percent of U.S. adults support Trump’s plan to downsize the federal government.”

"The Democrats perversely responded by staging rallies and holding press conferences to denounce Elon Musk and all his wicked works. On February 3, Senate Democrats appeared before the cameras and claimed, “An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government.” This nonsense was soon followed by a press conference called by House Democrats who characterized the DOGE audit as a “data breach” comparable to a hack perpetrated by a hostile foreign power. As it happens, Musk and his team are operating under the auspices of an entity created by the Obama administration. As author and attorney, Tom Renz explains:

The USDS was an Obamacare office created to make government software better. They were essentially software development for the bureaucracy. Trump renamed the United States Digital Service (USDS) the United States DOGE Service which even kept the acronym the same. Not only did repurposing an appropriate existing department allow Trump to ensure there was funding for DOGE without having to fight with Congress — he also ensured its legality.

"Nonetheless, in addition to the antics of the Democrats, the corporate media is contributing to the hysteria. Their general tone is obviously meant to evoke images of the zombie apocalypse. NBC News, for example, ran an article on Saturday with the following title: “Inside DOGE’s takeover of the Education Department.” The New York Times ran an equally absurd piece under this headline: “Young Aides Emerge as Enforcers in Musk’s Broadside Against Government.” PBS ran a story with this ominous title: “Protests erupt as Elon Musk moves to gut government agencies.” It’s little wonder that public trust in the corporate media has hit a record low and confidence in the federal government has also reached rock bottom." . . .

Trump plays political chess but Democrats stick with checkers


From 2019: Trump plays political chess but Democrats stick with checkers . . ."Instead, Democrats are now focused on another Trump scandal, and every hour of every day they are focused on it is time not spent showcasing how their policies differ from Republicans. Democratic candidates hoping to talk about their policies are forced to talk about impeachment, which does not benefit a significant pool of candidates still looking to beat out each other in hopes of becoming the party presidential nominee.
"Voters want to know one simple thing. How will their lives continue to improve? Voters on the campaign trail are not asking about impeachment. They are asking about issues. However, Democrats blind hatred for Trump has them rushing, which they have already admitted as they hope to conclude their impeachment inquiry with a vote by the end of the year." . . .
True then, true now. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff then; Al Green and Adam Schiff now.

Fox’s Kayleigh McEnany Slams Media Over Reaction to Trump’s ‘4D Chess’ Move in Gaza: ‘You All Are Playing Checkers’  Video;  "Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany praised President Donald Trump over his plan for the Gaza Strip and slammed the media over its reaction to it on Outnumbered Wednesday.

"On Tuesday, Trump floated the possibility of the United State taking over, rebuilding, and administrating Gaza, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.

"Where some saw recklessness, though, McEnany saw genius.

" 'He [Trump] means what he says. And he says, ‘Well, I don’t want to be a jokester or a wise guy.’ No one no one thinks he’s kidding,” mused Harris Faulkner before handing the floor to McEnany.

" '“No, it’s it’s not a joke. And you’re right, it shouldn’t be a shock,” she agreed. “You know, as I was watching this yesterday, there was this line from [Benjamin] Netanyahu that I wish the media would have listened to. He said, looking at President Trump, ‘You see things that others do not see. You say things that others do not say. And then the jaws drop. And then people sit back and realize, maybe he was right.”

" 'Well, the media didn’t listen to that — those gathered in the room, Kaitlan Collins, others — because I watched through the channels last night and it was absolute pandemonium,” McEnany continued. “I mean, the freak out was only second to June 27th, the day that Joe Biden had that disastrous debate. And when you look at it, I just thought to myself, ‘They haven’t learned the lesson yet.'”

" 'And the lesson is this: Maybe Trump is not trying to take Gaza. Maybe this is a grand part of a negotiation to get Iran to come to the table, to get Iran to hold back the proxies, to get Iran to stop its nuclear warfare on the world. Maybe that’s it,”  she concluded. “My lesson to the media, this one line I wish they would take: President Trump is playing four dimensional chess, you all are playing checkers.

“ 'If they even have a game board,” chimed in Faulkner."