Thursday, January 16, 2025

"War As It Really Is:" Historic World War One Combat Footage from the Front


Descriptions and history from the comments to this post:

"Astounding footage. Thank you for posting! My great grandfather served in the 27th Canadian battalion. He fought in some terrible battles from 1916-1918 (St Eloi, the Somme, Passchendaele) to name a few. He was injured many times by shrapnel. Suffered life threatening infections. The worst was a gun shot wound in 1918 to his left arm that completely shattered his elbow. He required a silver plate to reconstruct it. I never had the chance to meet him (was born 15 years after he passed). His war experience is similar to that of so many others. Awe inspiring but also terrifying. Bless all those who paid so heavy a price. Dead and survivors alike. War is never the answer."

"My great uncle was lost in "wipers" [Ypres] and his body was never recovered.
My granddad was in some semi official capacity in 2013 and visited the commonwealth grave commission (?) headquarters, he was speaking to one of the people there and mentioned our loss, the guy said "What was your home town?" And asked him to wait a moment.
Came back with our family members leather dog tag.
They had been called by a farmer who had found some bones and they found an aid station dugout that had been hit by a shell which buried the whole aid station.
They found twenty wounded and four medic that had been there for all that time.
They were in the process of trying to contact kin and granddad had already been identified as the next of kin.
We had known Fred had been wounded and sent back from the front but he had never reached the rear." Verdun is a Human Slaughterhouse ; This is what a world war 1 battlefield in Verdun France looks like today.

CarterOnConflict has more at this site.

Joe Biden’s Bizarro World of Foreign Policy “Achievements”

 Victor Davis Hanson

"Biden’s farewell boasts ring hollow as his foreign policy missteps—from emboldening Iran and Hamas to the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal—undermine his claims of global achievement."

"Departing President Joe Biden offered a farewell brag this week to his State Department about how his tenure had improved America’s stature abroad. In his now accustomed weird mix of whispering and fiery shouting, Biden apparently felt he had to lie or mislead about almost every one of his “achievements.”

"Yet to the extent that anything improved abroad on his watch—the weakening of Iran or the near destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah—it was due despite, not because of, Biden.

"Biden, bowing to election year political pressure, did all he could to restrain and block Israeli retaliations to the October 7 massacres. Only after he was repeatedly proven wrong does he now shamelessly take credit for what Israel ironically achieved by ignoring his own threats directed at Israel.

"Biden is correct only that Iran is “weaker than it’s been in decades.” But Tehran was aided, not hurt, by Biden’s nonstop efforts to lift sanctions, to allow Iran to make billions in oil revenues, to pay the theocracy billions of dollars in hostage ransom, and to beg the mullahs to reenter the ill-starred Iran deal. Everything Biden did makes it much harder for Israel to survive.

"So, Iran is now weakened only because Israel ignored Biden’s nonstop ankle-biting and finger-shaking not to retaliate to Iranian aggression. Instead, the Netanyahu government systematically destroyed Iranian air defenses after killing most of Iran’s foreign terrorist operatives.

"Biden referenced the end of the Assad regime in Syria, but it imploded not due to any effort by Biden. It was overwhelmed instead only after the Israeli decimation of Hezbollah and humiliation of Iran—coupled with the election victory of Donald Trump—that encouraged Assad’s enemies to attack a now isolated and weakened regime.

"Biden is also taking credit for rumors that Hamas might release its hostages, who have been held in a subterranean labyrinth since October 7.

"But why, with less than a week left in his tenure, did Biden believe Hamas might begin releasing the hostages when even his own Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has criticized the administration for spending 16 months pressuring Israel, which only emboldened Hamas’s stonewalling?" . . .

Lying About History: Efforts to Whitewash Biden’s Foreign Policy Failures  

On January 20, America’s yearning for the return of a man of the people will be realized and the great effort to repair the prodigious damage of the Biden presidency may begin in earnest.

For the first time, Melania reveals an ugly truth about the Obamas…

Revolver News 

"And to make matters even better, thankfully for the Trumps, the very bitter and hulking Michelle Obama will be skipping the inauguration." 

 "The most gorgeous, classy, and graceful First Lady to ever hold the title is making her grand return. Melania Trump is heading back to the White House with the flair, beauty, and poise we’ve come to expect from her. But before stepping back into the “people’s house,” where she rightfully belongs, Melania sat down with Fox News and shared some eye-opening tidbits about the Obamas. Turns out, they’re just as nasty and vindictive as we all suspected. Melania experienced it firsthand during the so-called “transfer of power” back in 2017.

"So, what exactly is this peaceful and organized transfer of power? Most people don’t realize it’s actually tied to an act from the 1960s.
 Wikipedia:The Presidential Transition Act of 1963 provides the current mechanisms to facilitate an orderly and peaceful transition of power. Under existing federal law and custom, the major-party presidential candidates receive classified national security briefings once their nomination is formalized by their party.

 "According to Melania, the Obamas were anything but helpful. In fact, they went out of their way to withhold information from the Trumps, deliberately making this so-called “peaceful and organized” transition as difficult and challenging as possible.

"Sounds about right. After all, many would argue that there’s not a more divisive and negative couple on the planet than these two Marxist tyrants.


Barron Trump’s Incredible Transformation

  OSSA  "Barron Trump, the youngest son of the President-elect, is making waves! From his appearances alongside his father Donald Trump to his headline-grabbing height (Barron Trump taller than Donald!), there’s no shortage of curiosity surrounding Donald’s Trump son — Barron Trump.

"Whether it’s Barron Trump Florida rally debut or his quiet influence within the presidential campaign this video covers it all. Stay tuned for the latest on Barron Trump, Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and more Trump family news!"

'He Knows His Generation': Melania Stunned by Barron's 'Incredible' Advice That Helped Trump Beat Kamala  . . .“ 'He was very vocal, and he gave advice to his father. And it was incredible how he brought in success, because he knew exactly who his father needed to contact and to talk to,” she said.

"In particular, Barron reportedly told his father to go on various podcasts — such as, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” influencer Adin Ross’ stream on Kick, “This Past Weekend with Theo Von,” and the “PBD Podcast” with businessman Patrick Bet-David.

"Altogether his appearances racked up over 80 million views." . . .

"Some of America’s vilest creatures pile on to a patently decent man." Bruce Bawer

"FOX News captured the historic march, showing the overwhelming enthusiasm and support for Trump’s nominee. For conservatives, this isn’t just about confirming a defense secretary—it’s about reigniting pride and purpose in America’s military." Kathy Sullivan 
What do we want? Democrats! When do we want 'em? NOW

Female Former Colleague of Pete Hegseth Slams Democrats for Peddling Lies, Hypocrisy at Confirmation Hearing  . . ."Holly K. Talley, who worked for Pete Hegseth as the Louisiana director at Concerned Veterans for America from 2013 to 2015, said she has publicly refuted an anonymously-sourced lie that Hegseth took staffers to a strip club while in her state, but Democrats have ignored her and keep repeating the lie.

"In an interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday, Talley said Hegseth was not even in the state at the time of the alleged incident, and she has said this multiple times on the record, but reporters and Democrats have ignored her.

“ 'Pete was not even in the state. He was nowhere near Louisiana. It wasn’t like we were in Shreveport and he was in Baton Rouge or something like that, or we were in New Orleans and he was in Leesville. He was not in the state and he was nowhere near the state,” she said." . . .

"How bizarre it was to watch Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defense, being abused at his confirmation hearing by the Democratic members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Until Trump picked him for his cabinet, I didn’t really know anything about Hegseth and had never watched his show on Fox News. But since his nomination, I’ve looked into him. I’ve heard his former colleagues speaking about him, without exception, in glowing terms. And when he sat there for hours in the committee room on Tuesday, he was not just highly articulate and well-informed on military matters; he exuded sincerity and decency. It was clear that whatever his past peccadillos, this is a man who genuinely loves America, who is dedicated to the idea of a strong military, and who cares about the men and women who wear the uniform of the American armed forces. For heaven’s sake, he comes off like something out of another era — a good, old-fashioned, corny, foursquare patriot of the kind that might have been played in an old movie by Jimmy Stewart or Gary Cooper.

"A recurrent complaint by the Democrats on the committee was that Hegseth didn’t have the kind of experience that previous candidates for the job had. Before becoming a host at Fox News, Hegseth studied politics at Princeton University and public policy at Harvard University, served with the Army at Guantánamo Bay, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in the D.C. National Guard, led two veterans’ service organizations, and worked as a market analyst at Bear Stearns. His views on the important issues are rock-solid. He recognizes that DEI has done serious damage to the armed forces. He understands that Islam isn’t a religion of peace and that its more aggressive adherents are out to conquer the West. (It’s all true, but you’re not supposed to say so.). . .
We already knew, needless to say, that Warren, Blumenthal, and others were pretty slimy characters. But to see these people — these creatures who are apparently incapable of shame — stacked up live against the foursquare, rock-ribbed Pete Hegseth, who in response to their venom kept his cool throughout, was something special. . . .

 "This will be a huge improvement," said Senate aide Chandler McKinnon. "We believe replacing these Democrat women with hyenas whose brains are being eaten by the rabies virus will greatly lessen the amount of shrieking and fighting going on. The hardest part will honestly be rounding up the women. That Gillibrand lady is a biter."


Gavin Newsom catches heat for bizarre shimmy and smile during live TV interview about LA fires

 Issues & Insights    Slick-haired Gavin Newsom gets ripped for awkward swagger move during interview amid LA fire devastation | Daily Mail Online

"Has there ever been a more reprehensible human being in charge of the once-great state of California?

"As fires were consuming homes and destroying neighborhoods – largely due to the criminal incompetence of Gov. Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, and the legions of hopeless inept leaders in the one-party state – Newsom seemed to be having the time of his life.

"We can’t read his thoughts. But from his expressions, it’s as if this is all great news to Newsom because it gives him more time in the spotlight. He can’t seem to help himself but smile as the news media descend on Los Angeles, follow him around with cameras, let him bloviate, and make him the center of attention. The only time Newsom genuinely expressed anger and frustration was when responding to President-elect Trump’s criticism of his failed leadership during this crisis.

"Newsom’s not the only one who seems delighted with his moment in the sun. The Castro-loving Bass, too, can’t seem to stop smiling at the massive devastation her party unleashed on her citizens.

"This all should be a wake-up call for California voters to wipe the smiles off the faces of these “progressive” leaders who wasted massive amounts of taxpayer money set aside for fire prevention, left the state unprepared for a disaster they knew was coming, and then pointed fingers of blame everywhere but at themselves.

"Since a picture is worth a thousand words, below are 23,000 words showing just what smug cretins these people are. All these are screenshots of events as Californians saw their homes, schools, businesses, churches, and livelihoods go up in flames."

Pardon Every Single J6 Political Prisoner – Every Single One

Kurt Schlichter  

The savage cruelty and maliciousness of the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI must be repudiated. 

There, as usual, sits Adam Schiff among the lynch mob.

"Hey, did you hear about that Trump-loving J6 couple who threw a bomb and permanently injured a cop? He got five years. His wife got no years. Yeah, those J6ers really got off easy. Oh, wait, my mistake. They were not J6 defendants. They were a couple of Antifa scumbags who were mad because conservative commentator Michael Knowles was going to speak about transgender baloney. Instead of being treated with the same scorn and harshness that the J6 defendants have been, this federal judge actually said they were something along the lines of very fine people. How many years do you think a J6 defendant would get if he permanently injured a cop with a bomb? About a million. But there’s a vital difference. The Biden Administration (sic) likes Antifa terrorists and hates patriots.

"The fact is we have a dual-track justice system, which is intolerable. That means we must not tolerate it. That means we must not accept it. That means we must not pretend that any verdict rendered by it is fair or valid. That means we must not allow the people who imposed it upon us in order to silence us, intimidate us, and exact vengeance upon us for the crime of defying them to succeed. 

"All of the J6 prosecutions are illegitimate, not because the actions of the J6 defendants are all pristine – the vast majority are guilty only of thinking that as part of the People, they had a right to walk through the People’s House – but because they were not treated exactly the same way as those politically aligned with the people persecuting them. And there is no way to undo the taint of the two-tier justice system. There are reports that President Trump will commute sentences to get people out of prison, then follow up with a pardon “process” to evaluate each conviction. No, no, no. Every conviction – every single one, including those by people forced to plead guilty (and they were forced) – is tainted by the actions of the DOJ, the actions of biased judges, and the fact that the venue in DC was manifestly unjust. No J6 conviction can stand. Every conviction was unfair and unjust." . . .

Biden's Farewell Speech; this man is no Lincoln in speech nor character.

CNN pundit Scott Jennings goes absolutely nuclear on Biden’s ‘farce’ of a farewell speech — and he’s not alone

"CNN analyst Scott Jennings was among those ripping the “farce” of President Biden’s farewell address late Wednesday -– as others panned the bitter goodbye remarks as the “worst in presidential history.”

"The reactions poured in as the country’s oldest-ever president attempted to take a victory lap despite his administration’s failings leaving him the octogenarian with record-low popularity.

" 'When I watch this tonight, I remain astonished that he, his family and other people around him thought he could ever run for another term,” Jennings, who worked in the George W. Bush administration, told CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.” . . .  "And ex- Democratic adviser Dan Turrentine said he was “stunned.' ”

I’m no historian, but, I don’t recall a more dark Presidential farewell address? It’s more a cry to the DNC than accentuating the positive to the country. This is sad,” he wrote on X. . . .

 Biden spoke of oligarchs and their "dark money" when speaking of Elon Musk and other wealthy Trump supporters, however....  

Added by TD

The irony is shocking. Biden just gave the medal of freedom to George Soros, who has been using his billions to fund campaigns and advance an anti-police, pro-crime agenda all over the US. 30% of Americans now live in a jurisdiction overseen by a district attorney whose campaign was largely funded by George Soros, and these are the jurisdictions that have devolved into chaos." . . .

 . . .Even people on the left acknowledge the vast majority of billionaires involved in politics have been supporting Democrats. And now look at what Biden and other Democrats fear - 2 billionaires who each control a social media platform and whose only actions have been to undo the 1984 style of government control and one-sided censorship of those platforms. All Musk and Zuck have done is say they are bringing free speech to those platforms and look at the reaction of Democrats.

Never forget this is the administration that tried to establish a Ministry of information, to decide what is true and what isn't based on their political biases. . . 

These are the remaining American hostages expected to be released in new Hamas-Israel cease-fire deal

 NY Post  "At least two American hostages are expected to be freed from Hamas in the first phase of the newly announced cease-fire deal between the terror group and Israel.

"Sagui Dekel-Chen, 36, and Keith Siegel, 65, were both included on a list of 33 hostages Hamas agreed to free if the deal, revealed Wednesday, is ratified by the Israeli government when it convenes Thursday morning.

Sagui Dekel-Chen, 36, will also be released
 in the first phase of the deal.

"They are believed to be among the last three surviving Americans still held by Hamas

"The surviving Americans’ conditions remain unclear. The first wave of hostages expected to be released are supposed to focus on women, children, men over 50, and the sick and the wounded.

"Siegel was abducted along with his wife Aviva from Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists swept into Israel and made off with at least 250 hostages and killed around 1,200 people.

"The couple were kept in captivity together for 51 days, before Aviva developed a dangerous stomach infection and was released as part of the first cease-fire deal in November 2023.

"“I just don’t know what kind of Keith that we’re going to get back,” Aviva told Fox News in December." . . .

Democrat Senators, do you not know what Hamas did to women soldiers?

Pete meets preachy females   "Was James Carville watching the hearings?  I hope that he was because we saw "the preachy females" in full force." . . .   


"In the end, it did not work because the lady senators were obnoxious. 

"This is from Philip Wegmann:

A decade of live television sharpened Pete Hegseth so much so that even Senate Democrats acknowledged his ability to mobilize the talking point during a confirmation hearing before the Armed Services Committee, marking another battle in an ongoing culture war. . . .

. . ."First, there was all of the outcry about women in combat.  Once again, they missed the point.  It's not about civil rights but having soldiers that can fight a war.  Women do serve honorably in the armed forces but their biological differences do limit their roles.  By the way, where is this public outcry calling for women to serve in combat?  Did I miss an issue?"

The evidence is overwhelming that the sadistic tactics Hamas terrorists used against the Israeli women and girls they brutalized on October 7th included rape, torture, and burning them alive.

Hamas Treats Captive Israeli Women as Animals  . . ."Sex-slavery is not only an ironclad aspect of Islam; it is a reflection of “piety,” as well captured by a 2015 report:

In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her -- it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted. . . .

May, 2024; never forget: We will dance again: Nova to hold concert to honor victims of festival massacre

Jerusalem Post

In memory of the Hamas massacre, this song was played as a memorial last year:

"This is a clip from the Nova Festival on October 7: A festival of joy, a festival of peace, a #festival of love...and a festival where #Hamas ruthlessly massacred over 260 innocent civilians and kidnapped countless more. There are no words to describe this incomprehensible tragedy. May the memories of the victims forever be a blessing, and may those who have been kidnapped return home safely soon."

Jews, Jews, And More Jews, And The Lessons We Could Learn   . . ."As with members of every other group, there are no doubt Jews who are avaricious, malicious, and mendacious, but I would suggest they, too, are a minority. In reality, the hatred directed at Jews has little to do with anything other than envy. People hate or dislike Jews because, in the aggregate, they’re so successful, and people focus this animus on the keys that empowered Jews: family, community, and education. (I am somewhat dumbfounded why so many of these manifestly smart people vote for Democrats, who are against virtually everything Jews have harnessed to succeed...)

"The fact that Jews make up such an incredible proportion of successful Americans should not be a reason to hate them but rather should be taken as a roadmap. Tony Robbins may have put it best: “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you’ll achieve the same results.”

"While I doubt I could ever become a chess master, regardless of how much I practiced, the notion of strong families, strong communities, and a focus on education is a proven 3,000-year-old recipe for success. America would be far better off if more people followed it."

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Celebrities turn on Dems, blast LA mayor for fire response: ‘Ruined our state’

New York Post

Big Hollywood names have started to turn on Los Angeles’ Democratic leadership, including Mayor Karen Bass, over the botched response to the wildfires raging across the ritzy, celeb-filled Pacific Palisades and surrounding areas.

"Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar led the charge, criticizing the Democratic leadership on Instagram for failing to direct the tens of thousands of Southern California residents trying to flee as the fires burned uncontained Wednesday.

"“City of LA you want everyone to evacuate yet you have complete gridlock and not one traffic cop on the roads helping,” Gellar wrote, tagging Bass and the city of Los Angeles.

"The Palisades Fire has been ravaging the celebrity-dotted neighborhood since Tuesday and has burned a horrifying 17,234 acres (27 square miles) over the past 36 hours.

"Actor James Woods, who lost his home in the Palisades Fire, vented on X that the wildfires weren’t caused by “climate change” but by “liberal idiots like Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass.”

" 'One doesn’t understand the first thing about fire management and the other can’t fill the water reservoirs,” he added.

"In a separate post, Woods wrote, “I took this last night from our beautiful little home in the Palisades. Now all the fire alarms are going off at once remotely. It tests your soul, losing everything at once, I must say.” . . .