Friday, January 17, 2025

Fact-Checking 3 Claims in Biden’s Farewell Address

Daily Signal  

"Also, according to two Arab officials interviewed by the Times of Israel, Trump did more to sway Netanyahu to make a deal in one day than Biden had done all year."

Job Creation  "Biden took credit for producing the greatest amount of job creation for any president in one term. He said that his administration created “nearly 17 million new jobs, more than any other single administration.”
"However, that statistic is extremely misleading since most of the job creation happened after mass job losses during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Even Politico has noted that the “U.S. economy didn’t recover all the jobs lost during Covid until 2022.”
"A smaller percentage of Americans are working today than there were working when Biden took office" . . .
Violent Crime   "After touting the passage of a gun control law under his administration, Biden said that he’s brought violent crime down to a 50-year low.
"“I passed the most significant gun safety law in 30 years and brought violent crime to a 50-year low,” he said.

 . . ."The New York Post reported in August that “between 2016 and 2020, violent crime fell by 17% under Trump — and soared by 43% under Biden between 2020 and 2022.

"Additionally, there are now problems with the recording of crime statistics. Not only are many crimes going unreported, but many city police departments haven’t been reporting complete crime data to the FBI since the system changed in 2021."

Hostage Deal  "“After eight months of nonstop negotiation by my administration, a ceasefire and a hostage deal has been reached by Israel and Hamas,” Biden said. He claimed that the deal struck between Israel and Hamas this week was conducted and developed by his “team.” . . .

Full article here...

California Democrats are the state's worst enemies

I admire Elon Musk and wish him success, but not the Democrat-mandated kind. TD

Victoria Taft  

"You’ve plugged your electric vehicle into your home charger and hit the sack. Overnight, high winds topple a power line. Your charger blacks out. Then, a report of a fire, followed by an evacuation order. Your battery’s only charged to 25%. And it’s your only car. . . .

"He'll save the inedible bait fish, the weed that no one's ever heard of, elevate meritless executives, and kill the gas car. Those are the highest environmental aspirations of Gavin Newsom, the alleged visionary governor of California, whose distorted priorities have combined to create the conditions for LA Inferno 2025. As the smoke begins to clear, the cruel environy is dawning.

"Even now, the homeless LA gliteratti, who soon may be allowed to sift through the ashes of their homes in hopes of finding the gold coins that looters haven't dug up yet, wonder how they could have been so gullible. They bought Newsom's climate change diktats hook, line, and gas can, and now their electric car doesn't work. Their beloved Tesla and their neighbor's Nissan Leaf are charred carbon hulks considered by the environment police to be portable toxic waste dumps. I'm sorry, sir, and you can't move it until we've studied the environmental externalities of your charred car. Grab a number.

"And no mocking these poor folks, America, because this Caltastrophe may have bought more time for the rest of the country to shout down the climate cultists in state houses across the country. California's proof of concept showed that climate nirvana doesn't protect the environment for humans. 

"Indeed, though less important, it's now dawning on Angelenos, more than a week after the fires started, that they're witnessing the incineration of all the "greenhouse emissions reductions" promised in Newsom's 2035 gas car ban. 

"More pointedly, if you have no power for a week, as thousands of Los Angeles residents who live near the evacuated fire areas have experienced, you can't charge your car battery. What happens if the fire spreads and you can't get out?

"When their lives depended on it, the diktats and mandates didn't help, but gas cars sure did.

"The LA Times reported — and I'm sure it killed them to do it — that EV drivers are having a tough time of it." . . . 

Aren't the Antifa Generation the ones guiding Biden's Administration?

How can it not seem so?

Biden Goes on Insane Screaming Rant About the ERA at Event   "Today I'm affirming what I have long believed and what three-fourths of the states have ratified:

"The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex." . . .

. . ."On Friday, during one of his final events at the U.S Conference of Mayors, Biden continued on the issue. He ranted and screamed that the ERA was the law of the land NOW, no matter what the law or anyone said. That it was the 28th Amendment Because he says so. NOW! This is insane." . . . 

A man with Joe's mental limitations should never be allowed to address our nation on matters of such consequence. I fear this was allowed in order for the left to feel the Republicans will take it away from them; if the result leads to riots and cities burning, all well and good; the generation affected has become comfortable with destruction of our nation's culture, cities and history. Their ignorance matches perfectly with Biden's lack of cognition. 
The Tunnel Dweller
Today I'm affirming what I have long believed and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: "The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.
"46th President of the United States, husband to , proud dad & pop. Tweets may be archived: Text me: (302) 404-0880" 
If these are Megan's words, what about her moral compass?
Has Joe invaded her, um...personal space? Has Megan been told about Joe and Tara Reade?

Just How Bad Has Joe Biden's Presidency Been? Americans Weigh In—and It's Not Pretty

. . ."As his disastrous reign finally comes to a close (has it really only been four years? It feels like ten – in the desert), Americans largely seem to agree that he won’t be remembered fondly, at least according to Gallup. The outfit conducted a poll in December and concluded Tuesday that “Americans Think History Will Rate Biden Presidency Negatively.”

"That’s a nice way of saying his numbers are horrendous." . . .

"Lincoln and Joe Biden!?" CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was stunned when Nancy Pelosi suggested President Biden be added to Mount Rushmore.


Trump. Biden, Israel, and Hamas

A Costly Cease-Fire Deal

. . ."With that said, the deal exacts a significant price on Israel. Israelis will be required to withdraw from parts of Gaza that were wrested from terrorists after months of deadly urban warfare. Israel will also be required to release dozens of Palestinian prisoners for each hostage set free. Specifically, for every female Israeli soldier hostage returned, Israelis will have to hand over 50 Palestinian prisoners, including 30 serving life sentences. In another cruel twist, the 33 hostages (who are a mix of living and dead captives) will not be released all at once, but only gradually over the course of the 42-day initial phase.
"Furthermore, at the end of the first phase, Hamas will retain more than 60 hostages. Securing their release will require significant additional concessions from Israelis in phases two and three. Concessions will likely involve the release of thousands of prisoners, an end to Israel’s war on Hamas, and a full withdrawal from Gaza." . . .

Is the Israel-Hamas ceasefire a good thing or a bad one?  
"Israel’s Knesset has approved the ceasefire with Hamas, so it’s a done deal...for now. Whether it will remain done is another question entirely. What is certain is that many who love Israel believe it was a disastrous deal. They are angry at both President-Elect Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I, however, am more sanguine. I think it was a necessary deal for Israel and that it won’t be a disaster in the future." . . .

. . ."And that’s the why and how of Phase 1. Israel gets some of its innocent civilian hostages, Gaza gets back lots of people who actively engaged in warfare and murder, both sides get a break from combat, and Gaza residents return home.

"If that phase lasts, phase 2 sees living male hostages go back to Israel (assuming there are any), and Israel withdraws troops from Gaza. And in phase 3, the two sides release bodies, Israel works on helping rebuild Gaza, and the borders that Israel has sealed (especially with Egypt, through which arms come) are reopened.

"People, obviously, are worried about the Israeli withdrawal and the borders being reopened. It seems to set the stage for starting the cycle all over, especially because Hamas’s new leader, safely ensconced in Qatar, proudly boasted that this is what he plans to do: . . ."

, who claimed OJ Simpson was framed, would say a bad deal: It Wasn't a Deal – It Was a Crime   

"The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called a "deal." It was an extortion. Would you call it a deal if somebody kidnapped your child and you "agreed" to pay ransom to get her back? Of course not. The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime.

"So the proper description of what occurred is that Israel, pressured by the United States, capitulated to the unlawful and extortionate demands of Hamas as the only way of saving the lives of kidnapped babies, mothers and other innocent, mostly civilian, hostages.

"This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. If an armed robber puts a gun to your head and says, "your money or your life," your decision to give him your money would not be described as a deal. Nor should the extorted arrangement agreed to by Israel be considered a deal. So let's stop using that term." . . .

Children found ‘butchered’ in Israeli kibbutz, IDF says, as horror of Hamas’ attacks near border begins to emerge | CNN 2023:   . . ."Babies and toddlers were found “decapitated” in Kfar Aza, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said Wednesday. CNN could not independently verify that report, and Hamas said media reports about attacking children were false. 

"This comes after the IDF told CNN Tuesday that the killings at Kfar Aza amounted to a “massacre.”

Do you remember how poorly Melania was treated last time as First Lady?

Susan Quinn 

But Melania appears to be turning the page with a new and refreshing attitude. She realizes that the times have changed, as has President Trump. And she is showing a new confidence and excitement about entering the White House this time around:

"When Melania Trump enters the White House on January 20, she anticipates a very different experience than the time she spent there in President Trump’s first term.

"Do you remember how poorly she was treated? Here’s what Donna Rice Hughes, CEO and president of internet safety organization Enough Is Enough, noted in 2017:

Never has there been so much lingering hostility so long after a presidential election.

Much of this hostility has been aimed at the first family, with a particularly cruel emphasis on Melania Trump.

And yet, despite the barrage of insults attacking her, including the New York Times reporter who referred to her as a hooker and the ex-boxer who called her a golddigger, the first lady continues to demonstrate grace, kindness and patience.

"(Hughes also emphasized Melania’s personal experience with the level of vitriol that can be experienced through social media.)

"Although many first ladies have been indulged by international designers, Melania was shunned by them: . . .

Hirono ripped for 'deranged' opening confirmation hearing question to Burgum: 'This lady has issues'

Andrew Mark Miller; Fox News   "Hirono has asked the same question to other nominees in the past"   

"How the F does Hirono have seats on Judiciary AND Armed Services AND Energy?????" columnist Tiana Lowe Doescher posted on X. "What member of Dem leadership does she have kompromat on??"

Fox News

"Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii faced mockery on social media on Thursday over her opening questions to Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum during his confirmation hearing. 

" 'As part of my responsibilities to ensure the fitness of nominees before any of the committees on which I sit, I ask the following two initial questions," Hirono said to Burgum on Thursday. "First is, since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?"

" 'No, senator, I have not," Burgum responded. 

" 'Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?" Hirono then asked.

" 'I have not," Burgum said. 

"Hirono, who has asked similar opening questions to several other nominees in the past, including Secretary of Defense nominee Pete Hegseth and Attorney General nominee Pam Bondi, was widely panned by conservatives on social media over the line of questioning. 

" 'This lady has issues." conservative commentator Chad Prather posted on X. " . . .

Comment to the above: " 'Senator, I find these to be inappropriate questions that are totally unrelated to the substance of this hearing. I therefore respectfully decline to answer." What's she going to do about it - not vote for him? She already decided not to vote for him the day he was nominated by Trump." JHUJOEB663

Joe Biden IS dark money.

"The man whose family raked in millions from selling his influence to shady oligarchs and Chinese Communist Party entities, who just gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to ­George Soros, railed against “dark money.' ” Miranda Devine

Hey, Joe, you can’t take a bad song and make it better
  . . ."That's about it. You know it's a bad speech when the guy who pardoned Hunter Biden is concerned about assuring that others pay their fair share of taxes. It takes a lot of courage to look into the camera and say that. It's amazing.

"As farewell speeches go, no one will compare this one to President Washington or even President Eisenhower talking about the military industrial complex. No such luck for Joe. This speech will be like that extra track in the LP that everybody skipped."

Miranda Devine: Self-deluded Biden is spending his last days as president showcasing all the same lies and cementing his tarnished ‘legacy’   Joe Biden is leaving office the way he came in — under a cloud of self-delusion and amid a rancid stench of lies. 

"He promised to be a standard-bearer of decency, a respecter of norms and the rule of law. 

"He presented himself as a unifier who would help the country heal after the pandemic, a man of integrity and impeccable character, ­unlike his wretched predecessor. 

"Yet behind closed doors, in the devious recesses of his soul, Joe plotted and planned just two things: self-aggrandizement and vengeance. 

"Joe paid lip service to a grab bag of virtuous goals but, really, he was all about himself.

"As he has been all his life." . . . More...

Blue City genius: Defunding the firefighters in Los Angeles

Monica Showalter 

. . ."Out of sight, out of mind, seems to have been the mentality.  Now we see the same of Pacific Palisades and Altadena, quite literally, except that the victims have no intention of staying out of sight, out of mind, they're right there demanding answers." 

"For all the talk about defunding the police in blue county Los Angeles, major fires revealed that what at least one blue government really ended up defunding was the fire department.

"In Los Angeles, the logic appears to be maybe the fire won't happen, so let's spend cash on special interests. Or, with Mexican firefighters coming in to help douse the flames, 'who needs firefighters when you can get Mexicans to do the job for less?'

"Sure, it's cynical to imagine that this is the business model, but it was quite a fast one they pulled, which as we can see now, was exceptionally tragic for Los Angeles with 9.6 million people and a $45 billion county budget, taking on two major fires in the Palisades and Altadena regions almost completely unprepared.

"By now, most have heard that the city's leaders saw fit to cut the fire department budget by $17 million even as other departments expanded, drawing much bigger budget slices than the fire department as the homeless and illegal immigrant population grew.

"What's less well-known is that they have been doing this for a while. According to this report, citing CNN, the Los Angeles firefighting budget is roughly the same size as it was in 1960 even though the city has roughly doubled in population and surrounding county has grown multifold.

"Worse still the county is rated among the most fire-vulnerable in the nation, according to this CBS report. The kind of preparation seen in Los Angeles, though, would be the equivalent of Boston refusing to prepare for snow or Florida failing to prepare for hurricanes." . . .

Hegseth Grilled by Feminist Fantasists

 Ann Coulter 

How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 - The New York Times

"Wouldn’t you know it? Defense secretary nominee Pete Hegseth’s grilling by the Senate Armed Services Committee about his opposition to women in combat would have to come the very week that Los Angeles’ all-female leadership team was performing so masterfully at subduing wildfires. The way things are going, the fires should be out by Memorial Day.
"Between the gals who just let about a third of L.A. go up in smoke and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the 5-foot-tall “combat veteran,” Hegseth had his work cut out for him. (Adding to his difficulty, women didn’t want Pete to solve this problem for them, they just wanted him to listen.)
"As Ernst could have explained to Hegseth, it’s one thing to acknowledge the blinding fact that females don’t stand a chance against males in tennis, soccer, running, throwing, swimming, discus throwing, pole vaulting, etc. But that has NOTHING to do with women’s abilities when it comes to trivial things like policing, fire-fighting and waging war. (To prove it, Ernst wears Army fatigue high heels!)
"More than 100 women athletes — including Martina Navratilova, one of the greatest tennis players of all time — submitted a brief to the Supreme Court last year that cited study after study after study establishing beyond cavil that human males have significantly more muscle mass, strength, spacial awareness and protection from stress fractures compared to women. (Among other things.)
— “On average women have 50% to 60% of men’s upper arm muscle … 65% to 75% of men’s thigh muscle … 50% to 60% of men’s upper limb strength and 60% to 80% of men’s leg strength,” the brief noted.
— “The athletic advantages conferred by men’s larger and stronger bones includes ‘greater leverage for muscular limb power exerted in jumping, throwing, or other explosive power activities’ and greater male protection from stress fractures.”. . .

Israeli report says sexual assaults carried out ‘systematically’ during Hamas attack | CNN . . ."The report said that “several survivors of the massacre (Nova) provided eyewitness testimony of gang rape, where women were abused and handled between multiple terrorists who beat, injured, and ultimately killed them.”  
"Furthermore, some rapes were carried out in front of an “audience” of the victims’ partners, family, or friends, intended to “increase pain and humiliation of all present,” the report said."