Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Arizona Desert and its People

American Thinker "Those in Arizona find it baffling that elitists on the east coast, west coast and other large cities like Chicago don't want us to protect ourselves. We're not racists. We're not bigots. We're hard working Americans who don't like to live in fear. We don't like being robbed. We don't like having to clean up after others who don't care what they do to our state. We definitely dislike seeing our friends and neighbors murdered. This isn't about race. This is about crime. We will not be victims any more."  Related: What We Lost on the Border ;and  San Francisco's Unconstitutional Arizona 'Boycott' : "Who wins from an embargo when leftist run cities artificially substitute politics for market value in investments? Politicians with an almost insatiable appetite for power and praise win politically -- after all, it is not their businesses hurt by an economically irrational embargo against Arizona."

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