Monday, September 27, 2010

60 Minutes Does Fawning Profile of Ground Zero Mosque Backers, Bashes Opponents

Newsbusters  "Pelley highlighted El-Gamal's multi-cultural background: "'re a Muslim who married a Christian girl. Your mother is Catholic. And you joined the Jewish community center on the West Side of Manhattan." However, he then turned to mosque opponent  Pamela Geller, whom he characterized as "a former New York media executive who writes a politically far Right blog that mixes news, opinion, and conspiracy theories." "

60 Minutes on the Ground Zero Mosque " Rauf is mainstreaming the Sharia and the jihad ideology. And in suggesting that those of us defending American freedom and opposing his Ground Zero mosque are "extremists," he is trying to place 70% of Americans squarely on the same moral playing field as the Muslim terrorists who flew planes into buildings and have since committed close to 20,000 Islamic attacks of violent jihad across the world. The media and government fawning all over this subversive imam as he does this shows just how deeply we have been infiltrated by the enemy. "

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