Monday, October 25, 2010

More and more NPR (Updated)

NPR terribly sorry it got caught "Confronted with a weeping, apologetic Scarlett, Rhett speaks these immortal words: “”You’re like the thief who isn’t the least bit sorry he stole,but is terribly, terribly sorry he’s going to jail.” (Or something like that. I don’t have the book at hand right now.)
I was reminded of that lovely quotation when I read just how upset NPR is about its decision to fire Juan Williams:"
We’re profoundly sorry that this happened during fundraising week. Juan’s comments were made Monday night and we did not feel it would be responsible to delay this action.
Fox's Rash Juan Williams Overreaction  "He talks about folks like us -- who make up the majority of Fox News' audience -- as racist and bigoted and homophobic and greedy. His declarations on the Tea Party and on small business owners simply follow doctrinaire liberal talking points that bear no relationship to reality. In fact, these opinions are routinely insulting.
"To us, Williams is an irritant to be tolerated and not a martyr to be celebrated. We sure as heck do not need to see twice as much of him."

Media Capitulation: If Juan Williams Is Fair Game……  "And yet in watching the mainstream media coverage of Juan Williams affair, we witness the fact that the media still cannot face up to its own capitulation. It’s all over the airwaves, but no one will discuss what is actually happening — the loss of the freedom of speech to Islamic supremacism and domination. This is a deadly fight — Islam in the West and its suppression of free speech."

NPR Keeps Digging  "I think she means she’s sorry she didn’t give them talking points, but she’s not ashamed she smeared Williams by suggesting that he talk to his psychiatrist (which he does not have). Not clear whether she also regrets the squirrelly manner of the firing — over the phone (classy, guys). She closes by asking for suggestions.
"Here are three. First..."  Jennifer Rubin

I received a phone call from the LCC telling us that our venue had been pulled, and that Mark Steyn would not be permitted to speak there. The reason offered by the LCC was that they had received pressure from local Islamic groups, and they didn't want to alienate their Muslim clients. It's interesting to note that the LCC is owned by the City of London, and is therefore a government operation.
"Previously the LCC had hosted Sexapalooza. Steyn is apparently more dangerous and offensive to public sensibilities -- especially the delicate Muslim ones --! What an honor!"

Dems Playing Soviet-Style Insanity Card  "All of these seemingly coordinated efforts by Democrats and their press minions to label Party dissidents as “insane” are not only creepy, they seem like the first step down the path towards Soviet-style tyranny."  Kyle-Anne Shiver, Pajamas Media

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