Sunday, November 7, 2010

In denial

A.B. Stoddard  "...Obama must regain his image as a post-partisan pragmatist and that his recent efforts to rally the base to the polls for the midterm elections was too divisive. "In going into such partisan, harsh, class-oriented and divisive rhetoric, he's given up the magic of his candidacy," [Lanny] Davis said. "This is what he has lost. And I don't mean diminished; I mean lost. It's tragic."

Tales from 57 States: His Obamaness Addresses the Currylanders "Alas, it was at that very moment that some Currylanders first realized that His Obamaness spoke not from the heart, but from His prepared scrolls held high by...well, you know who. And so it came to pass that the Currylanders understood why, when speaking, His head turned from side-to-side, seldom looking forward. For he looked, left and then right, not to grace all with his oracles, but so that he could read from both scrolls, and just seem to be speaking to the peasants and serfs."
Earmarks Aren’t Even the Beginning  "...The debt, driven by unconstitutional and unsustainable federal intrusions into everything from how much carbon dioxide we emit to which light bulbs we use, is what in turn drives unemployment. The debt, coupled with government’s insatiable appetite for ever-greater control, is what impels the Obama campaign to tax every morsel of achievement, effort, and choice."... Andrew C. McCarthy

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