Saturday, May 7, 2011

No Tears For Osama In Pakistan  "Aside from the conspiracy theories and hearsay, the unexpected silence of the religious parties and public points to a change in the popular mood. The people of Pakistan seem to be fed up with Taliban and Al-Qaeda violence both in and out of the country. The same people have already rejected the religious and political parties on several occasions in the recent past, including the Safia Siddiqi case, the Raymond Davis release, and the drone strikes.
"The immediate impact of bin Laden's killing will be to demoralize the militants. In the longer run, we might see some fragmentation of Al-Qaeda, something like what happened with the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, which split into four groups after the killing of its leader, Baitullah Mehsud. Yet far more important, as the relative lack of reaction on the streets demonstrates, is the deepening disenchantment of ordinary Pakistanis with jihadi ideology. This, in turn, will lead to a decline in sympathy with militant organizations and the pro-Taliban religious parties. And that can only be for the good."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Michael Moore to America: Shame on You For Celebrating ‘Execution’ of Bin Laden  "Somewhere a child is going hungry, somewhere an American serviceman or woman could use a helping hand, somewhere someone is losing their home — and THIS is what Michael Moore is using his power of celebrity to call attention to.
"What an extraordinarily revealing set of priorities:"...

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