Sunday, July 29, 2012

Obama and private enterprise

Forbes; No President Obama, It Was Private Business That Made Our Roads And Bridges Possible   
...."As a result of all this, America joined the ranks of the world’s wealthiest nations with some of the highest average living standards.
"It happened before America became a welfare state.
"That’s how American taxpayers could sometimes pay very large amounts of money for roads and bridges.
"Other nations, many with abundant natural resources, tried to do what our private sector did, but they failed because they bet on a government-run economy. The Soviet Union isn’t even on the map anymore."  (Emphasis added)

Clarice Feldman: Wile E. Coyote Joins Obama Campaign Team  "It turns out that the "you didn't build it" theme was stolen from make believe Cherokee Elizabeth Warren. She got it from Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff.  He's one of those wise guys who tell people -- mostly leftist people to be sure-- how to use language to hide meaning.  In this case they hoped to hide the plan to steal our money and give it to Obama's supporters by pretending it was just a payback for services received.  Unfortunately for Obama, voters aren't all as dumb as Berkeley undergraduates."
.... "The ads highlighting his missteps have been brutal."

Ms. Feldman's far-ranging article includes this on the Chick-fil-A flap:   "If the right wing maniacs out there aren't engaged in mass murder, consumers and government must nevertheless punish them for exercising their right to free speech because they are hate-filled chicken sandwich pushing homophobes, if you listen to the media and Democrat politicians.
"The instigator of this latest hate campaign was CNN.  Terry Mattingly at Get Religion:" Via Lucianne 

Guy Benson: Liberal Columnist: These Devastating 'You Didn't Build That' Attacks Sure Are Racist  "Like the rising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west, one can always count on some element of the Left to resort to the 'R-word' to shield President Obama from the consequences of his own words and actions.  Today, the inevitable officially occurred.  Take it away, Jonathan Chait:"...  More here for you racism fans.
The column makes a brief digression with this: "Ed Morrissey also notes the Obama campaign's worries over the shrinking 'gender gap,' which is why his campaign has put out an ad lying about Mitt Romney's position on abortion:"

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