Friday, July 6, 2012

What Romney Needs to Say About RomneyCare

J. Robert Smith   "Romney doesn't need to devote much, if any, time to parsing RomneyCare.  The former Massachusetts governor needs to spend loads of time flailing President Obama for his ObamaCare fiasco.
"The lines of attack are many and rich for Romney, and he should exploit every last one of them.  After all, Romney has the wind at his back on ObamaCare.  About 55% of the electorate consistently oppose the president's takeover of health care. 
"Romney's not exactly being asked to make a courageous, uphill fight to persuade voters that ObamaCare's a big loser.  Most voters are, in fact, eager for Romney to take the gloves off and relentlessly pound away at Mr. Obama and his statist health care scheme." ....

Mr. Smith's article links to this article titled, "Romney's Tom Dewey Moment":  Obamacare tax confusion a warning sign: the peril of playing it safe.

...."Now the Message is Carrying Mitt.  
"No one but Obama underlings in Chicago give the proverbial rat's rear end what Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts with Romneycare. As demonstrated in a blink by all those thousands who gave millions to the Romney campaign -- unasked."

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