Monday, December 9, 2013

Belligerent Zeke Emanuel Again Helps the Anti-Obamacare Cause in Sunday Chris Wallace Interview

Newsbusters  "Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace was not in the mood to put up with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel's standard-issue leftist guff on Sunday (video here). Last night, I noted that the pressed Emanuel until he forced a "yes" out of him to a simple question: "Didn't he (President Obama) say, 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.'" That move brought out Emanuel's ridiculous contention that what Obama somehow really meant was, "If you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice." Everyone but you and a few deluded leftists know that isn't so, Zeke.

"A good example of Wallace standing up to what amounted to a bullying attempt by Emanuel, followed by a couple of other howlers delivered by Zeke the Bleak, are after the jump."
... "It would be nice if more interviewers of leftist prevaricators stood up to leftist blowhards as Wallace did to Emanuel.
"Immediately following this exchange, Zeke went to the "Blame Bush" tactic ..."

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