Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Stalinist Lawlessness: Companies Must Swear to IRS They Didn't Fire Employees Because of Obamacare

Freedom of Speech Clause of the Constitution: 
The Freedom of Speech Clause of the First Amendment is one of the most valuable and precious rights guaranteed to Americans in the United States Constitution. At the same time, it is one of the most abused rights by Americans. The Freedom of Speech Clause of the 1st Amendment reads like this:
"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech."...
 Full article here.

What on earth does it take before honest democrats become disgusted with this administration?
Rush Limbaugh  " ...  they don't want businesses saying that they're laying people off or firing people because of Obamacare.  That's really what the rub is, and it boils down to they can do what they want but they better not say that they're firing people because of Obamacare.  Now, it's been running around, going around here, that this is a banana republic.  This is way beyond a banana republic now.  This is Stalinism." 

Companies Must Now Swear — to the IRS — That None of Their Layoffs Are Because of Obamacare  "Company officials will be trapped in a catch-22. They can lay off as many people as they want because of Obamacare. But because they’ll have to swear to the IRS that their decisions had nothing to do with Obamacare, they can’t speak publicly about what’s happening. What a great way to silence the people who are on the front lines of dealing with Obamacare’s horrific effects."
A clear violation of Freedom of Speech that any honest court should shut down.

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