Sunday, March 9, 2014

Alan Caruba: Some Very Good News About Americans

"We are all besieged daily by bad news. It is easy to become depressed about the present state of the nation, but there is some very good news as well."
"What is rarely addressed is the seething power of American entrepreneurship which, at present, is trapped by a largely socialist federal government imposing a mountain of regulations that thwart growth and take money from the private sector that would otherwise be invested in the creation or expansion of business and industry nationwide."
"As one reads Dr. Baker’s book, one comes away with a renewed confidence in the judgment of Americans, confirming that their core values are those that have made America a beacon of freedom in the world."
The book must address only those who fear and oppose this President, not those smiling, cheering faces at Obama campaign-style speeches that put him into office a second time. But the book seems to give one a sense of assurance that has been missing since the 2012 election.

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