Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Left pivots from ‘Tea Party is dead’ to ‘Tea Party hates Jews’ after Cantor loses

First this: House Majority Leader Cantor defeated in primary   "In an upset for the ages, Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, the second-most powerful man in the House, was dethroned Tuesday by a little-known, tea party-backed Republican primary challenger carried to victory on a wave of public anger over calls for looser immigration laws." ...

The entire Left is a real piece of work.

Twitchy   "Really? This is the spin the left is going to put on the VA-7 primary? House majority leader Eric Cantor lost his primary because Republicans don’t like Jews?" ...

Dave Wasserman @Redistrict
There will be lots of 2nd guessing tmw on Cantor loss . Surely will focus on debt ceiling/leadership role, but his religion a role too?
DickinsonForCongress @VoteMike2014
@Redistrict: but his religion a role too?” Tea partiers hate non Christians
Jonathan Weisman         @jonathanweisman
Eric Cantor was the Speaker-apparent, the first Jewish Speaker of the House. This is simply amazing
There is at least some sanity among these crackpot posts:
DCCyclone @DCCyclone
.@Redistrict That's silly, he was Jewish when they voted FOR him a bunch of times, too.
The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat  ... "This is a stunning night for the GOP. And just as in 2010, the establishment and its donors have no idea just what to do about it. The answer should be: unify." 

White House: Immigration Didn’t Sink Cantor    "Cantor’s campaign sent out direct mail pieces ahead of the election maintaining that he was ”stopping the Obama-Reid plan to give illegal aliens amnesty,” but challenger Dave Brat accused him of supporting “amnesty” based on his support for legislation such as the KIDS Act, which would give citizenship to children brought to the country illegally."

Laura Ingraham: Cantor Loss 'Massive Wake-Up Call' for GOP on Amnesty

Eric Cantor Defeated by David Brat, Tea Party Challenger, in Primary Upset  ... "The result delivered a major jolt to the Republican Party — Mr. Cantor had widely been considered the top candidate to succeed Speaker John A. Boehner — and it has the potential to change both the debate in Washington on immigration and, possibly, the midterm elections."

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