Saturday, October 11, 2014

Failure Upon Failure; The disintegration of the Obama presidency

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Weekly standard photo illustrationStephen F. Hayes  "A year before his first inauguration, Barack Obama laid out the objective of his presidency: to renew faith and trust in -activist government and transform the country. In an hourlong interview with the editorial board of the Reno Gazette-Journal on January 16, 2008, Obama said that his campaign was already “shifting the political paradigm” and promised that his presidency would do the same. His model would be Ronald Reagan, who “put us on a fundamentally different path,” in a way that distinguished him from leaders who were content merely to occupy the office. “I think that Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not. And in a way that Bill Clinton did not.”
"When he’s not on the golf course, the president seems to spend most of his time fundraising for vulnerable Democrats, threatening executive action on those things he can’t accomplish by leading, and working to minimize crises of his own making.

"This is a failed presidency."    Via Lucianne
And this is the man who we must depend upon to combat the evil of Islamic radicals who want to destroy us.  TD
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen


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