Friday, November 14, 2014

Washington Post: Nancy Pelosi, um,...Misspeaks About Not Knowing Jonathan Gruber

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Big Journalism

  "Although the mainstream media as a whole (with few exceptions) is covering up the damning video of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber openly discussing all the lies and deceit surrounding passage of President Obama's signature domestic achievement, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi forced the Washington Post's hand on the matter Thursday when she was caught lying about not knowing Gruber. (Emphases in the original)

"I don't know who [Gruber] is," Pelosi told reporters Thursday. "He didn't help write our bill."

"The only problem with that claim is the Post's discovery that in November of 2009, Pelosi gushed over Gruber by name. Here's the video. The transcript is below:" ...

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