Thursday, October 15, 2015

Did you REALLY buy every debate talking point made by the Democrat candidates?

You won't believe the price tag for all that free stuff offered by Dem candidates at the debate  "Any time you get a bunch of Democrats together in the same room, it is recommended that you grab hold of your wallet tightly and lock up the family silver. You also might want to hide your wife and daughters - just to be safe.

"The Democratic presidential candidates who took the stage for their debate on Tuesday night tried to outdo one another in rushing to give away tax dollars on wild spending schemes. How much are we talking about? The Washington Times has some thoughts:" . . .

Hillary Clinton's Take on Banks Won't Hold Up  . . . One of the most revealing exchanges in the Clinton-Sanders tilt involved the question of Wall Street corruption. Sanders has always been a passionate crusader against Wall Street perfidy, but Hillary's take on the subject was fascinating.

"Asked about it Tuesday night, she gave an answer that to me sums up her candidacy and the conundrum of the modern Democratic Party in general. She seemed to hit a lot of correct notes, while at the same time over-thinking and over-nuancing a question where a few simple unequivocal answers would probably have won everyone over.

"The key exchange began with a question from CNN's Anderson Cooper:" . . .

Full article  Hey, this is from anti-Republican Rolling Stone so you know it's accurate.

Hillary's 'Genocide' Lie 
 “ 'We deeply value the relationship between Libya and the United States,” Hillary told the press with the tall, Western-looking young man standing beside her."
. . . "When the late William Safire called Ms. Clinton a “congenital liar,” he knew whereof he spoke. Mendacity* is in Hillary’s DNA. There was no genocide in Libya, nothing close. Although I have written about the Libyan fiasco previously on these pages, the story bears repeating at least in part as Hillary has assumed full ownership of the genocide lie." . . .

1. the tendency to be untruthful
2. a falsehood

Mark Steyn on The Alpha Female of a Beta-Male Debate  . . . "Nobody asked Bernie Sanders why an "independent socialist" who's never been a Democrat is running in the Democrat primary, but he could just as easily have said: "I didn't join the party, the party joined me." Last night the Democrats presented themselves [as] an openly left-wing party, to whose base Bernie's honeymoon in the Soviet Union appears far less eccentric than Jim Webb doing his Scoop Jackson routine 40 years too late." . . .


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