Wednesday, November 1, 2017

“Latino victory Fund” caught with its pants down

Power Line  "A group called the Latino Victory Fund produced an attack on Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for governor of Virginia. The video (see below) featured a pickup truck with a Confederate flag and an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker attempting to run down minority children.
Image result for ed gillespie

"NRO’s Alexandra DeSanctis reports that the Latino Victory Fund pulled the ad yesterday, after a minority immigrant in a truck ran over people in downtown Manhattan. The Fund also deleted its tweets promoting the ad, including one in which the group defended the video in the face of strong criticism.
"Yet, in announcing the removal of the ad, the Fund seemed to double down on its defense. It stated:
We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see. Given recent events, we will be placing other powerful ads into rotation that highlight the reasons we need to elect progressive leaders in Virginia."Virginia Republicans might well be thinking, “bring them on.” The Fund’s “powerful” pickup truck ad seemed to be a boon for Gillespie. According to De Sanctis:" . . .
. . . "As De Sanctis concludes:"
Rather than taking Gillespie to task over his policy positions or his plans for Virginia, this group engaged in blatant fear-mongering and race-baiting, and in the process it downplayed the serious threat of terrorism and real murder.
This video didn’t “hold a mirror up to the Republican party.” Far from it. In fact, this ad held up a mirror to progressives, who have shown themselves willing to portray their political opponents as cold-blooded murderers merely to win elections.
Latino Victory Fund deletes race-baiting after Manhattan attack . . . " It is absolutely disgusting that it took a terrorist attack — an actual murderer mowing down Americans and other individuals in a pickup truck on the streets of Manhattan — for the Latino Victory Fund to take down its heinous video. And even though it did remove the ad, under immense pressure, the president’s statement reveals that he and his group have no comprehension of how utterly inappropriate and revolting the video itself was. To suggest that Ed Gillespie, a normal, mild-mannered Republican, wants to literally run over minority children — and, by extension, that his supporters must want the same thing — is not political debate." . . .

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