Friday, June 1, 2018

Roseanne Barr and the Death of Mercy

When you talk to your friends who aren't conservative, point out that conservatives condemn what Barr said, and we condemn Democrat Senator Byrd for his membership in the KKK, while leftists condemn only Barr.

Tom Trinko  . . . "Also, there is no evidence to date that Barr has acted in a discriminatory or racist way in the past.  We have no reason to doubt her apology or to believe she's secretly a KKK member.

"Hence, in a Christian society, her apology would have been accepted, and while she may have been punished, people wouldn't demand or rejoice at the destruction of her career.
"The problem is that the left has continually repudiated Christian values and replaced them with a dualist approach to life, where any crime by someone who is a leftist can be excused or ignored but any perception of a crime by someone who is not part of the left can be condemned and the person punished to whatever extent is possible.
"For example, Robert Byrd was a long-serving Democratic senator.  He also was a legal official for the West Virginia KKK.  One would think that founding a KKK chapter and raising funds for the KKK is a bit more odious than one tweet. Yet the left extolled Senator Byrd and declared that since he'd apologized, all was well.
Robert Byrd in pre-Senate years
"This establishes that the left is eager to forgive racism so long as the racist is a Democrat." . . .

Bear in mind that my personal disgust is over the silencing of conservative opinion and not necessarily defending Roseanne as a person. Remember this?

Just as bad were the liberal comments to this video supporting what she did.

1 comment:

The Dame Truth said...

Odious does not even begin to cover it. In fact there are no words nad enough to describe these ppl.