Sunday, September 9, 2018

Do Democrats in Congress ever smile..or just have that permanent scowl?

Rough Beasts Slouching toward the White House  . . . "What has changed, I should think, is any serious notion that Cory Booker or Kamala Harris has a national political future after their outrageous performances this week.  Booker has exposed himself as an idiot, claiming he was like Spartacus in revealing classified information which had already been declassified, and which, in any event, showed that the judge had opposed "profiling." 
"Newt Gingrich said it best:
Cory Booker should study history before he tries to use it.  Calling a Senate publicity stunt his "Spartacus" moment was absurd.  Spartacus was a gladiator slave who rebelled, lost, was crucified.  Booker studied at Stanford, Oxford, Yale Law School.  His only risk is being ridiculed[.]
"Kamala Harris's unsubstantiated charge that the judge had discussed the Mueller investigation with an unnamed lawyer in a private firm at some unnamed date along with bullying the witness again demonstrates that she lacks the character and wit to hold even the senatorial seat, let alone higher office.
"Worse, for the Democrats, the often paid and completely outrageous effort to bully the Judiciary Committee has to drive any moderate even farther from its ranks.  Latest reports say 200 people were arrested for their disruptive tactics.  They include this person who bloodied his crotch for the display, which was supposed to mean what?  And outside the hearing room, nitwits wearing costumes from The Handmaid's Tale – again, for what end? " . . .
Cory Costanza Booker: Bad to the Bone  . . . "In addition, the email Booker released showed Kavanaugh opposed racial profiling. Nevertheless, Booker did his best George Costanza impression throughout the night of trying hard to seem like a "bad to the bone" rebel." . . .

Trump and His Enemies
. . . "With Speaker Paul Ryan and Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake departing, the only prominent Never Trumper in Congress who is visible to the public is Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who finesses it at times, indicating that even some of those Republican officeholders with a strong aversion to Trump will at least vote with the administration as long as the president is winning." . . .

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