Monday, December 3, 2018

Emile Ratelband, 69, told he cannot legally change his age

So Western society hasn't gone off the edge but is getting closer. Perhaps soon I can legally change my weight to ten pounds less. Then I hope to have a good-looking, muscular guy tattooed over the front of my body TD

A Dutchman who wanted to change his date of birth to boost dating prospects has lost his legal battle to do so.

"Emile Ratelband, still aged 69, wanted to change his birth date by 20 years to avoid what he called discrimination.
" 'We live in a time when you can change your name and change your gender. Why can't I decide my own age?" he said.But the court disagreed, highlighting that many rights in law are based on a person's age, and changing it at will could cause many problems.
"There was no legal basis to make such a change, it said.
" 'Mr Ratelband is at liberty to feel 20 years younger than his real age and to act accordingly," the judges said, but changing his legal documents would have "undesirable legal and societal implications".
"Mr Ratelband, who calls himself a "positivity trainer", made headlines around the world with his unusual request.  . . .

A small ray of sanity in an increasingly insane world.  "This judge is acting far too reasonably and logically to fit in these days. Doesn't he know that things like biology, gender identity, and sexual preferences all depend on how you feel and not on reality?" . . .

This gentleman tried for years to disguise his age, but we didn't buy that either: 

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