Monday, December 3, 2018

Lest We Forget: The Smearing Of Brett Kavanaugh Was Truly Evil

To their credit, perhaps led by the unflinching example of President Trump, this time around most of the Senate Republicans have rallied behind Judge Kavanaugh. They seem to have begun to learn that they must oppose these undemocratic tactics of personal destruction, not merely to save our own freedoms and our children’s, but also those of these twisted Democrats such as Schumer and Waters. They may not realize it, but they can’t take away the rights of some of us without taking away their own.  

Can there be no sense of shame in any of these women over what they did to a family?

Mollie Hemingway: The Smearing Of Brett Kavanaugh Is Truly Evil  . . . "But thank God that Republicans didn’t kill the Garland nomination by tearing down the man and spending months trying to find high school classmates to claim attempted rape and near-death experiences.
"At some point one must consider whether evil means are justified for progressive ends. The bottom line is that this media-enabled Democratic smear campaign simply can’t be the standard by which we destroy people. Watching this miscarriage of justice is radicalizing those who care about rule of law and political processes that have a semblance of sanity."

: The Politics of Personal Destruction Redux  . . . "On January 9, 1995, three days after starting my new job as historian of the U.S. House of Representatives, I was falsely accused on the floor of Congress, by multiple House Democrats, of being an anti-Semite. That evening Representatives Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Barney Frank (D-Mass.) held a press conference calling my appointment a disgrace to the tens of thousands of their constituents who had survived the Holocaust and demanded that I be fired." . . .

Kavanaugh's ordeal shows the depravity of the rabid left   "Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink to demonize those with whom they disagree?" . . . 

Accusations of Sexual Assault Can Damage a Reputation for Life  . . . "We all saw the character-assassination attempt on Judge Kavanaugh when Dr. Ford charged him with sexual assault. When the FBI investigated the alleged witnesses from Dr. Ford, none could corroborate her charge. Judge Kavanaugh and his family, though, will live with the burden of a sexual assault charge for the rest of their lives." . . .
Look at the price that Judge Kavanaugh had to pay when political leaders like Senator Chuck Schumer said, “He should recuse himself based on the claim.”
There is no floor for the ugly accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  . . . "It is apparent to me that Kavanaugh truly loves coaching his daughters’ teams. He lamented that part of the aftermath of the Democrats’ character assassination of him may end his coaching days. Sure enough, an opinion piece in USA Today was more than happy to promote such a travesty." . . .

From the WaPo! I don’t know Kavanaugh the judge. But Kavanaugh the carpool dad is one great guy.

Justice Kavanaugh returns to coaching girls basketball team: Report "Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh has returned to coaching his daughter’s basketball team.
“ 'Coach K,” as he said the girls call him, was spotted on the basketball court at DeMatha Catholic High School in suburban Maryland over the Thanksgiving weekend, The Washington Post reported.
"He had feared his time as a coach for the Catholic Youth Organization team would have to end after he faced unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct during his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
“ 'I love coaching more than anything I’ve ever done in my whole life,” he told Democrats during one of his hearings. “But thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee have unleashed, I may never be able to coach again.
"It turns out he’s also been able to return to another of his favorite activities. He was spotted after his confirmation serving meals at Catholic Charities for the Archdiocese of Washington."
Keep this a secret or leftists/Democrats will send their bizarre characters to the games.

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