Monday, February 11, 2019

The Virginia train wreck has set the stage for 2020. Should Kermit Gosnell now be set free to resume his abortion business?

Rich Terrell
M. Catharine Evans  "Virginia's Del. Kathy Tran's and Governor Ralph Northam's open and public admission that their bill, H.B. 2491, allowed for the murder of a baby up until the time of birth and afterward was never supposed to happen.

"Tran's and Northam's partial-birth abortion-funders, Planned Parenthood and EMILY's List,  have always encouraged their candidates in Southern states to stay mum on abortion until they get into office.

"For example, in the run-up to the 2018 midterms, in blue state Virginia, where there are still plenty of conservative voters and where congressional races were tight, Democratic candidates focused on health care, fair wages, and security issues.  Abortion, if mentioned at all, was couched in the more moderate-sounding "reproductive rights."

"Consequently, Tran's and Northam's startling and unpredictable honesty about H.B. 2491 had the Democratic Party and its pro-abortion benefactors trying to stifle any reporting suggesting that Democrats are the party of infanticide." . . .   Read more...

Gosnell: When Art Collides with Reality and Exposes the Truth   "A new law in New York legalizes the actions for which abortionist Kermit Gosnell was sent to prison for life." 
. . . "Gosnell director Nick Searcy wrote at TownHall that New York has now legalized almost everything that Gosnell and his aides did in Philadelphia: Gosnell was convicted of killing breathing infants who had already been born. It is now legal in New York to kill an infant who survives an abortion. Gosnell was convicted of allowing untrained and unlicensed medical personnel to perform abortions. It is now legal in New York for non-physicians or any “health professionals” to perform abortions. Gosnell was convicted of performing at least 21 late-term abortions past the legal limit of 24 weeks. It is now legal in New York to terminate a pregnancy up until the due date. In New York, there is no longer any such thing as a “late-term abortion.' ” . . .

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