Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Trump's SOTU reveals the angry ladies of the left

. . . It was a pathetic, un-American spectacle, those women.  In the end, they are about one thing, one thing only: rage. Rage at whom and what?  Who knows?  But it cannot be the country.  Look at where they are, the success they've attained.  Each of them is an example of the opportunity, freedom, and equality that only this nation provides, and still they are angry.  They still want to abort fully formed infants, tax the rich into oblivion, and impose Venezuelan-style socialism on us all. . . .

Patricia McCarthy . . . "The only part of the speech they sincerely applauded was themselves – more women in Congress.  For most of the rest of the speech, they sat on their hands, looking mad (Mazie Hirono), glum (all of them), petulant and dismissive (Kamala Harris), bored and studiously disinterested (Nancy Pelosi).  Pelosi, along with Schumer, the rudest person in Congress ever, seemed to be masticating something throughout the entire speech.  Her bizarre mouth movements are as annoying as they are distracting. 

"These angry women could not have better demonstrated who and what the Democratic Party is today." . . .
. . . "The magic moment, among many in the speech, was when Trump said, "This will never be a socialist country."  The applause was the loudest of the evening, which was a relief.  The socialists in Congress are a noisy bunch, but they are a decided minority who will never win the rest of us over.  But the ladies in white could not stand." . . .

Trump’s bizarrely brilliant State of the Union speech  . . . "Then Trump advised them to stay standing because they were going to like the next sentence — a sentence about how there were more women in Congress than ever before. To which they and their fellow Democrats began chanting “USA! USA!” — in the middle of a Trump speech! And the president looked down upon these people for whom the word “impeachment” is a mantra … and smiled." . . .

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