Wednesday, February 6, 2019

POLL STUNNERS: Both CBS and CNN Polls: 76 Percent of Viewers Approve President Trump’s State of the Union Speech; CBS: 72 Percent Approve His Immigration Ideas

"CBS News and CNN released instant polls taken immediately after President Trump’s State of the Union address with both polls finding 76 percent of those who watched approved of the speech. The CBS poll 72 percent approved of Trump’s immigration proposals while the CNN poll showed 76 percent approval with 59 percent “very positive.” (Tweet) CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor reported on the poll results. (Tweet) Pro-Trump CNN commenter Steve Cortes posted CNN’s results of 76 percent approval and 59 percent “very positive”. (Tweet Posted By:JoniTx )

The Gateway Pundit. . .  "Peggy Noonan, a former speech writer for President Reagan and no fan of President Trump, praised his speech tonight, saying, “This has been a deeply adept speech in terms of policy. He cut to the muscle on legal and illegal immigration, on abortion and infanticide, on foreign wars. His vow on socialism will be remembered. Great heroes in the balcony, a real American panoply. 1…And good natured with the white jackets, who I see some on twitter are calling the straight jackets. AOC had a rare bad night, looking not spirited, warm and original as usual but sullen, teenaged and at a loss. 2.' ” . . .
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Because when people get to actually hear the President and he's not filtered by , they like what he says and what he's accomplished FOR US ALL!

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