Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Joe Biden: The Ted Baxter of politics

Richard Jack Rail  "Joe Biden’s people say that Joe is “gaffe prone” and always has been, and shrug it off. That’s just who he is, no big deal. It’s perplexing how they casually dismiss Biden’s verbal miscues but adamantly insist on Donald Trump’s as revealing deep, dark, ugly things."
. . .
"Joe’s real problem, apart from just not being very bright, is a lack of acting ability. We’ve known since at least JFK that presentation, including physical appearance, may matter more in public life than any other single attribute. Joe Biden has the physical appearance part down but lacks any sense of what to do after that. So he is gradually talking himself out of any shot at being president.
"Which is what Hillary did. The more she ran her mouth, the more people saw what a petty, sad, nasty piece of work she was. Not Joe; he’s just modeling mental midgetry as the Ted Baxter of politics."  Case in point, "Baxterisms":

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