Sunday, December 8, 2019

"It is a fact that forceps kill more children than guns."

Pro-Abortion Pelosi's Convenient Catholicism  "If House speaker Nancy Pelosi is a "practicing Catholic," then Sen. Elizabeth Warren is an American Indian.  If she is a practicing Catholic, then one hopes that one day, she gets it right.  You cannot be in fundamental disagreement with a fundamental doctrine of the Catholic Church and then wrap yourself in its vestments to proclaim you don't hate anybody.

"Funny: Cafeteria Catholic Pelosi doesn't invoke her Christian conscience when she supports her caucus's abortion-until-birth infanticide policy, the ultimate separation of mother from child.  There is no worse brutality than what an unborn child feels at the hands of a surgeon's tools.  It is a fact that forceps kill more children than guns.  A detention center on the border or the deportation of those who have had their due process and have a deportation order lawfully issued by a judge doesn't even come close.
"Pelosi did not respect faith-based communities and other organizations, such as her Catholic Church, when it came to Obamacare's attempt to force them and the institutions they administer to provide insurance that pays for abortions and contraceptives.  When it comes to Catholics and pro-life people acting on their religious conscience, she fights them quicker than you can say "Hobby Lobby."  As LifeSiteNews reported during a recent abortion funding battle:" . . .

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