Monday, September 16, 2019

Iran bombs Saudi oil refinery, aided by Barack Obama

Obama and Valerie Jarrett gave the Drone Technology to the Iranians. Now they have a "Clone Drone"

Jewish Press; Iran’s Stealth Drone that Penetrated Israel’s Border a Gift from the Obama Administration  . . . "President Obama acknowledged that the downed drone was his, and requested that Iran return it. We’re not kidding."

Obama asked Iran to return the drone. Iran is said to have produced drones based on the captured RQ-170. Got cleverly taunted by the Iranians
. . . "And the ministry spokesman, Mehmanparast, stated that "it seems he [Obama] has forgotten that Iran’s airspace was violated, spying operations were undertaken, international laws were violated and that Iran’s internal affairs were interfered with... . Instead of an official apology and admitting to this violation, they are making this request." 
"Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Obama's decisions on the drone, saying that, after the aircraft went down, the president should have ordered an air strike within Iran: "The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it. You can do that from the air ... and, in effect, make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone." Instead, "he asked nicely for them to return it, and they aren't going to".[30]
"On 17 January 2012, an Iranian company said it would send miniature, pink, toy versions of the captured drone to President Obama as a response to the request for sending the drone back." . . .

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