Monday, September 16, 2019

First Democrats must kill each other off; then they will come for us

Mike Harris
Is Dianne Feinstein out to kill off Kamala Harris's presidential bid?  . . . "So just the fundraiser in Harris's home state of California was a shiv in the side to Kamala.

Why is that? 

"Well, for one thing, the Democratic political set widely believes that to win the presidency, one must win California. Harris is from California, so that stacks things in her favor. 

"Now Feinstein is marshalling money from California Biden's way? So that they give their money to him and feel 'donor fatigue' when Kamala comes calling?

"The matter is compounded by the fact that the California Democratic campaign fatcats weren't impressed with Harris's performance in the third debate, as this CNBC report here indicates. Feinstein knows those people and may very well be egging them toward Biden, or at least piling on.

"Here's another thing: Money from fatcats over little-people donations is Kamala's vulnerable spot. The queen of fake Twitter followers is also highly reliant on big dollar donors over the little guys, even as the New York Times tries to claim she's changing that. Well, maybe she is, but if she is, it would be in the infant stage and in any case, they're taking her word for it. More likely, she still relies on the big boys, because that's what she knows." . . .
Always The Bridesmaid, Never The Bride . . . "Even Hillary Clinton was able to win the nomination once. Sanders can’t.

"But still he runs, and in running he is twice now dividing the party he’s not even a member of in order to fail to win their nomination for president."

Warren And Sanders Join Attack On Kavanaugh "They just can’t stop the crazy." 
Check Dems And Media ‘Talking Points’ Against Kavanaugh, There’s No Coordination Here…   "So Journolist is back?? See if you notice a common refrain in the latest Brett Kavanaugh outrage"  . . .

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