Monday, April 13, 2020

What of Pope Francis's "infallibility" in statements of Church doctrine...

...when his edicts run counter to Holy Scripture?

Bishop [Athanasius] Schneider says Vatican is betraying ‘Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind’ From Aug 26, 2019
  "The Vatican’s decision to implement a document affirming that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God,” without correcting this statement, is tantamount to “promoting the neglect of the first Commandment” and a “betrayal of the Gospel,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said.
"In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, on a Vatican-backed iniative to promote the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” the auxiliary of Astana, Kazakhstan, said that “however noble such aims as ‘human fraternity’ and ‘world peace’ may be, they cannot be promoted at the cost of relativizing the truth of uniqueness of Jesus Christ and His Church.” 
"The spread of this document in its uncorrected form will “paralyze the Church’s mission ad gentes” and suffocate her burning zeal to evangelize all men,” Bishop Schneider said.
"He added: “Attempts at peace are destined for failure if they are not proposed in the name of Jesus Christ.' ” . . .

The Bishop's choice of the name Athanasius gives us a clue about his devotion to the Scriptures.
“God, the Almighty, has no need to be defended by anyone and does not want His name to be used to terrorize people,” they said." OK; I'm good with that so far...
"The passage that caused the most furor reads, “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in his wisdom, through which he created human beings.”
"This Abu Dhabi declaration elicited a wave of criticism from Catholic theologians, who insisted that such a statement seemed to suggest that either God actively wills error, or that all religions are equally valid paths to God. The existence of a variety of colors, races, and languages in humanity is very different from a variety of contradictory claims about God’s identity and way of acting, they insisted.' " . . .

. . . "In comments to the National Catholic Register, Burke observed how some have tried to explain the statement by saying that the pope is referencing the permissive will of God –  that other religions are an “an evil that God permits.”
"According to the cardinal, however, the Abu Dhabi document is not stating this, but rather, “that the plurality or diversity of religions is good.”
“ 'That’s a mistaken notion,” said Burke. “It’s certainly confusing for the faithful regarding salvation, which comes to us through Christ alone.' ”
"The passage contradicts the Great Commission, said Seifert, which is Christ’s instruction to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and spreading His teaching. Instead it turns God “into a relativist,” Seifert said, who neither knows there is only one truth, nor cares whether men “believe in truth or falsity.' ”
I have to regard Cardinal Burke more highly than Pope Francis. TD

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