Sunday, June 28, 2020

All that bar-hopping and spring-breaking: Press ignores protests as source of new wave of COVID-19

Why exactly isn't that an issue in the press today? The protests, the frustrations, the politicizations have all contributed to this spike in cases, as have other factors. But only protests seem to be too hot to handle. Why is truth such as hard thing to handle for leftists doing this press coverage?
Monica Showalter  With a new wave, or peak, of Chinese coronavirus cases shutting much of the country down again, and news getting out about how it's younger people being infected, the press is blaming bar-hopping and spring break travel. And in the case of the Washington Post, President Trump's rally in Arizona, too. Here's one account from the Washington Post: . . .
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"Anything to ignore the elephant in the room: raw, undistanced, unprotected, mass protests over the police-brutality death of George Floyd. The Washington Post actually excuses the protests.
"Curiously, the new wave of cases among young people now coincides with the waves of unprotected protests and lootings - five-, ten-day incubation periods, meaning the cases were contracted right about when the protests and lootings were going on. Apparently, everyone was out bar-hopping, according to the press reports seen now. Yet the anecdotal evidence is everywhere: . . ."

Dean Cain@RealDeanCainJun 27, 2020I’m in an airport. CNN is playing. It’s just fear-mongering, and anti-Trump talking points. Yuck.

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