Monday, June 29, 2020

God Save Us from the Woke Pastor

...“Churchome recognizes the killing of black people as a national crisis,” noting that George Floyd’s death was not a “standalone situation, but part of the ongoing issue of racism in America.” That assertion is false, as anyone who tracks crime statistics can attest. Unarmed black men killed by police officers didn’t even scratch one percent of the more than 7,000 black homicides in 2018. "...
Jason Mattera  (Illustrations added by TD)  "The skinny jeans. The nonfunctional glasses. The spray tans. The tight muscle shirts. The obscene shopping bill at Nordstrom. And the social justice sermons more fitting for the faculty lounge at Wellesley than for a Bible-believing church. Behold, the Woke Pastor, and he’s gunning for your White Privilege and ready to tackle America’s systemic racism, one vegan protein shake at a time. 
"There are myriad examples of the Woke Pastor today, with ministers falling over themselves publicly to prove their progressive bona fides in the wake of George Floyd’s awful death. Let’s focus on two in particular. Both lead megachurches on different ends of the country. Both are considered dynamic preachers with A-list followers. Both are viewed as models by media elites on how to render Christianity “cool” and “relevant” to the unchurched. And both exemplify the disturbing trend among young Christian leaders to align with culture, rather than speak truth prophetically to it.
Fox 5
"Judah Smith is the senior pastor at the oddly-named “Churchome,” which is based in Seattle and Los Angeles, and where it is “not uncommon to find the front row reserved for celebrities,” as one publication put it. If you thought that the phrase “All Lives Matter” was both innocuous and conveyed a fundamental axiom that, well, all lives do matter because we are all made in the image of God, and therefore we should condemn racism wherever and through whomever it surfaces, Judah Smith has a message for you: Stop It." . . .

Parody site, the Babylon Bee can't pass something like this up.

What ‘woke’ whites get wrong about Blacks’ priorities  "This month’s protests started out as a black movement against police brutality, but they have a different look now. In many cases, whites have taken over. They apologize for their “white privilege” and, in at least one case, wash black people’s feet to expiate their collective sins.
"Celebrities, athletes and corporate America followed suit. Portland’s police chief resigned, asking to be replaced by a black man, and the CEO of Chick-Fil-A urged whites to shine the shoes of black people to show a “sense of shame.” But why now?" . . .

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