Monday, June 29, 2020

How are things in CHOPistan?

Shutting down CHOP: Seattle's leftist mayor now up to her keister in alligators  "Where do liberals get the idea that if you just talk nicely to warlords, expropriators, pirates, and invaders, they'll do what you say?
"That's the approach Seattle's Trump-hating Mayor Jenny Durkan took, and she's about to learn the hard way how that works, except that she doesn't learn.
"She called for the shutdown of CHOP, and its defiant and entitled denizens have since walked all over her, making her look like a fool.
"Here's the miserable monument to her ineffectualness, according to local KING5: . . ."

CHOP’s ‘security’ growing more ‘contentious’ with nearby residents: report  . . . "The Seattle Times reported that hundreds of protesters marched Sunday to Durkan’s believed home in order to bring their demands to her “doorstep.' ” . . .

'This is not Seattle': Oklahoma protesters hit with terrorism charges ..."Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said on Friday that he chose to pursue the toughest charges against the rioters because he does not support the lawlessness that has taken place in some parts of the country, including the "police-free" region of Seattle known as the Capitol Hill Occupied Protests, or CHOP."...

Putting CHOP on the Chopping Block: GOP Senator Moves to Defund Cities That Allow Autonomous Zones   . . . "As reported by Fox News, here’s how she explained it to guest host Jason Chaffetz:

“The bill would prevent federal taxpayer dollars from going to those autonomous zones and the mayors and the governors that enable the lawlessness to continue For those mayors that prevent law enforcement from actually going into these areas and policing as they should be doing, we would strip away the federal funding that goes to those cities.”       Pics and clips

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